Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Why Was Operation Barbarosa a Failure essays

Why Was Operation Barbarosa a Failure essays The historical impact of Operation Barbarosa cannot be denied. The Soviet victory over the Nazi German invaders set up the Soviets as a world superpower and set the stage for the Cold War. Had the Germans not attacked, the Russians may not have gained their dominance in Eastern Europe, and the Warsaw Pact may not have ever been. The war effort forced the Soviets to industrialize faster than ever, particularly in Siberia. Additionally, defeating the Nazis let all the countries of the world know that the Russian military under the Soviets was not the ragtag, ill-equipped, archaic fighting force of the Czarist system; it had become well-organized under Stalin. The purpose of this paper, though, is not to discuss the historical implications of the Soviet victory in World War II. I intend to explain why the Soviets were victorious, and, similarly, why the Nazis were defeated. I believe that in this process it will become evident that the tremendous power wielded by the Soviets during the Cold War age was predicated on the very things that made them successful in World War II. Before going into an explanation of why the Soviets were successful, I think it is important to give an overview of the actual events of the Barbarosa attack and an outline of the diplomacy involved beforehand. After World War I, the Germans and Russians were seen as the outcasts of Europe. The German government of the Weimar Republic was in tremendous debt making war reparations while Capitalist European governments that were fearful of their rhetoric of world revolution despised the newly Communist Russians. It was only natural that they turned to each other. The Rapollo Pact in 1922 and the Friendship Pact shortly thereafter established formal diplomatic and trade relations between the two countries, allowed the German military to train in Russia, and gave the Soviets access to superior German military technology. The new relationship was mutually be...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Geode of Blue Copper Sulfate Crystals Tutorial

Geode of Blue Copper Sulfate Crystals Tutorial Geodes are a type of rock containing crystals. Normally, millions of years are required for flowing water and minerals to deposit crystals. You can make your own geode in only a few days. Grow beautiful translucent blue crystals of copper sulfate pentahydrate inside an egg shell to make your own geode. This project is of average difficulty and will take 2 to 3 days to finish. What You Need An eggHot waterCopper sulfate Here's How to Do It First, you need to prepare the eggshell. A natural geode forms inside a mineral. For this project, the mineral is the calcium carbonate of an eggshell. Carefully crack open an egg, discard the egg, and keep the shell. Clean the egg from the shell. Try for a clean break, to create two halves of the shell, or you may wish to just remove the top of the shell, for a more ball-shaped geode.In a separate container, add copper sulfate to 1/4 cup of hot water. The amount of copper sulfate isnt exact. You want to stir copper sulfate into the water until no more will dissolve. More is not better! It should take a few pinches of solid material to make a saturated solution.Pour the copper sulfate solution into the eggshell.Place the eggshell in a location where it can remain undisturbed for 2 to 3 days. You may want to place the eggshell in another container to keep it from falling over.Observe your geode each day. Crystals should appear by the end of the first day and will be at their best afte r the second or third day. You can pour out the solution and allow your geode to dry after a couple of days or you can let the solution fully evaporate (a  week or two). Tips for Making a Geode of Copper Sulfate Crystals Even a small increase in the temperature of the water will greatly affect the amount of copper sulfate (CuS04 . 5H20) that will dissolve.Copper sulfate is harmful if swallowed and can irritate skin and mucous membranes. In case of contact, rinse skin with water. If swallowed, give water and call a physician.Copper sulfate pentahydrate crystals contain water, so if you want to store your finished geode, keep it in a sealed container. Otherwise, water will evaporate from the crystals, leaving them dull and powdery. The gray or greenish powder is the anhydrous form of copper sulfate.The archaic name for copper (II) sulfate is blue vitriol.Copper sulfate is used in copper plating, blood tests for anemia, in algicides and fungicides, in textile manufacturing, and as a desiccant.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Violations of religious tolerance that the Danish cartoons of Muhammad Essay

Violations of religious tolerance that the Danish cartoons of Muhammad have committed - Essay Example The last part engages the international resulting towards the cartoons, and how part of them were brutal. Consequently, a wrap up will be derived to attest that the Danish cartoons have violated and broke religious forbearance in wider and tremendous basis. To start with the very first explains the cartoons’ narrative, its reasoning, and will include a depiction concerning some of the drawings. The cartoons were initially printed in Denmark by a Danish newspaper known as Jyllands-Posten. It published 12 cartoon images on the 30thof September 2005. The intention which led to the publication was undecided raising to some argue that it was founded on an experiment conducted to rise above self- suppression (Saloom, 2006).On same front, this lead to hatred and animosity from this newspaper since the 1990s on the Muslim contingent of Denmark. When it all commenced with publishing Amin’s story, a Muslim boy who was suspended from school for his rejection to shower naked amongst students in the same bathroom (Hervik, 2012). According to this narrative every offensive images of prophet Muhammad showed him like a cruel and unacquainted being, though, one in consideration has been to the Danish cartoons notice, was the drawing of Muhammad holding a bomb fused in whereby he was in a regalia. Hence, I portrayed of Islamic faith, surrounding the bomb held by the prophet. Other cartoons are fond of portrayal Prophet Muhammad holding a sword ready for a battle. While the second one showed women next to him while they rose against violence too. This offensive illustration have largely put in much empasy in two westernization on how the Muslim faith, more so about views of their belief as vicious and inhuman to women. Additionally analysis on Muslims has never been altered while the shocking incident of 9/11 occurred. Muslims and Arabs contingent are known to be much of violent and racist people. The following

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Movie - The Secret Life of Bees and the Black Madonna Essay

Movie - The Secret Life of Bees and the Black Madonna - Essay Example The Black Madonna does serve several roles in the overall plot. As a feminine symbol, it represents maternal love and the varied mother surrogates that soothed and comforted Lily as she pondered on her relationship with her late mother and the temporal and spiritual relevance that relationship held for her. In the movie, Lily carries a picture of Black Mary that she found while rummaging through her mother’s belongings. To Lily, the picture of Black Madonna symbolized her late mother and it is this picture that eventually leads her to August, a black woman who takes her in and acts as a surrogate mother to Lily. It is August that introduces Lily to the spiritual relevance and meaning of Black Madonna, whom she considers to be the divine mother to all of the humanity. Thereby, if on the one side the picture of Black Madonna connotes spiritual and temporal maternal love and support to Lily, in the larger sense the statue of Black Madonna in this movie does convey a sentiment of love, hope and human brotherhood to a racially divided South. In a symbolic context, the statue of Black Madonna which the Daughters of Mary worship every night does convey the meaning and relevance of having faith and believing in something that transcends beyond one’s innate beliefs and yearnings. Thereby, in the movie, the statue of Black Madonna does act as a symbol of hope and reconciliation for the individual characters living in times marked by deep-seated racial divide and social tensions in the American South.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Alexander the Great Essay Example for Free

Alexander the Great Essay Alexander III the Great was a King and a conqueror of the Persian Empire. He was known as one of the greatest military prodigies of all time. He inspired many, such as Hannibal the Carthaginian, the Romans Pompey, and Napoleon. He was born around July 20, 356 B. C. in Pella, which is the prehistoric capital of Macedonia. Alexander was the son of Phillip II, King of Macedonia, and of his fourth wife Olympias, an Epirote princess. Alexander’s childhood revolved around his father. He spent most of his time watching his father transform Macedonia into a great military power. He also watched them win victory after victory on the battlefields of Balkans. At the age of twelve he showed his father and bystanders his equestrian skills when he tamed Bucephalus, a wild stallion. Thereafter, he would ride him into every major battle. At age sixteen Alexander’s father left him in charge to rule Macedonia while he invaded Thrace. During the invasion, a Thracian tribe bordering North Eastern Macedonia rebelled and became a threat to the country. Alexander created and lead his army against the rebels and defeated the Maedi and renamed it Alexandropolis. Two years later, Alexander’s father gave him a high ranking position among his senior generals as the Macedonia army invaded Greece. Not long after the Macedonian army defeated the Greeks at Chaeronea, Alexander’s parents separated and the family split. King Philip later married Cleopatra, an aristocratic Macedonian girl. Shortly thereafter, Alexander and his mother, Olympias, fled the country to Epirus after Alexander had an altercation with his stepmother’s uncle, General Attalus and his father, King Philip. The General commented at King Philip and Cleopatra’s wedding banquet that the couple would one day give birth to a â€Å"legitimate heir† a child of pure Macedonian blood. Alexander became enraged and threw his cup at the General. In turn, King Philip drew his sword and charged toward Alexander. Years later, Alexander returned to Macedonia, but lived in isolation and remained removed from the Macedonian court. In the spring of 336 BC, while the Persian invasion was going on, King Phillip was assassinated by a Macedonian noble Pausanias. Both ancient and modern historians questioned why he was killed. There are accusations that he was murdered because he denied the Pausanias justice and sought support in punishing Cleopatra’s uncle Attalus for his early mistreatment. There are also claims that Olympias and Alexander were responsible for the assassination. Philip’s dream of conquering the Persian Empire would now rest in the hands of his successor, his 22-year old son, Alexander III. Once Alexander succeeded his father as King of Macedonia, he ordered the execution of all of his native enemies. He also found himself embroiled in a series of rebellions against the conquered nations who saw their opportunity to gain independence due to his father’s death. Alexander had to act quickly to diffuse these uprisings by bringing the Illyrians, Thracians, and the Greeks back under Macedonian rule. Alexander would go on to display his military power by entering into three great battles; the Battle of Granicus, the Battle of Issus, and the Battle of Gaugmela. His total attention was focused on invading Asia and conquering that territory. As Alexander sailed to the Asia Minor’s Coast, he threw a spear while on board that stuck into the ground. When Alexander stepped onto shore he pulled the spear from the ground and pronounced that all of Asia would be defeated by that Macedonian spear. The Macedonians defeated the Persians, but the Greeks held their ground and fought back. Nevertheless, the Macedonians were victorious. Eighteen thousand Greeks perished on the banks of Granicus and 2,000 survivors were captured and sent to Macedonia as forced laborers. The second great battle was the Battle of Issus. The Macedonians came across the Persian armies under the authority of King Darius III in Northwestern Syria. The Macedonians were critically outnumbered, but the battle ended in a great win for Alexander. Tens of thousands of soldiers were killed from the opposing side and King Darius fled in desperation, leaving his family behind. The third Battle was the Battle of Gaugamela. In this battle, Alexander received support from Europe, restructured his forces, and set out for Babylon. Alexander seized lands between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and established the Persian army at the plains of Guagamela. It is estimated that the army consisted of one million men. Once again, Darius and Alexander met on the battlefield and just as he did in the battle of Issus, Darius fled in defeat. This time he fled to Ecbatana in Media. The Macedonians burned the royal palace in Persepolis several months thereafter, finishing the termination of the ancient Persian Empire. Alexander would continue to pursue King Darius to Persepolis, but would discover that he had been assassinated by another enemy. Out of respect for King Darius, Alexander gave him a royal funeral. Years later, Alexander and 80 of his closest friends married Persian noblewomen. He began to promote marriages between non-native soldiers and native women. The Macedonians did not like this idea. One of Alexander’s desires was to unify the Macedonians and Persians and form a mixed breed elite army that would be attached only to him. Sadly, this would never come to be. Shortly before beginning his Arabian campaign, Alexander became ill, with a fever, after attending his friends Medius of Larisa’s party. His illness worsened day by day and got so bad that he couldn’t move or speak. On June 7, 323 BC, Alexander passed away. Alexander the Great died at the age of 33 without naming a successor to the Macedonian Empire. Once again, the Greeks rebelled and started up a war known as the Lamian War. The Macedonians were defeated and were forced to split into four kingdoms, Seleucus (Asia), Ptolemy (Egypt), Lysimachus (Thrace), and Antipater’s son Cassander (Macedonia, including Greece).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Developing Cultural Competence in Nursing

Developing Cultural Competence in Nursing Christopher Mason Cultural Interview with Patrick de Mendoza The culture in which we are raised greatly influences our attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors. Our families taught us how to believe about and treat people who were different than we are. In order to provide sensitive and effective care to persons from cultures that are different from our own, two things must occur: An awareness of one’s own cultural values and beliefs and a recognition of how they influence our attitudes and behaviors. An understanding of the cultural beliefs and values of others and how they are influenced by them (Wintz Cooper, 2009, p. 7). I interviewed Patrick de Mendoza, a 37 year old Mexican-American male. My intentions in conducting this interview were to learn more about how a person from the Hispanic heritage experiences health care in the United States compared to someone of the Caucasian background. Patrick and I are close friends with similar interests. I never saw him as Hispanic, only as American. I never considered us to be very different. The fact is, he is of Mexican and Spanish decent and I am of European and Native American decent. While we have similar ideas on our outlooks to the future, there are differences in the way we were raised and the views we were taught to believe. This article will compare and contrast our views of and encounters with healthcare. When asked about how closely he identified with his ethnic background, he stated, â€Å"90% of my friends are Mexican, as in either 1st or 2nd generation Mexican-American. There is an importance placed on how far away generationally we are from having lived in Mexico. First generation means both parents are full-blooded Mexican. I am 2nd generation.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Even though Patrick has been raised in the U.S., his upbringing was based on Mexican traditions. In his home English and Spanish are spoken. He doesn’t speak Spanish fluently and is more comfortable speaking English. He says regarding personal space and dialogue, â€Å"there is very small personal space and dialogue can go to the male or female. However, you have to jump in and speak if you want to be heard. Typically the Spanish dialogue is very energetic.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) As a Hispanic, Patrick was raised Roman Cat holic. He was taught to not only respect his elders, but to pitch in and help wherever he could to help his family and community. When asked what his culture believed about health, Patrick said that most Mexicans in the United States get what they need when they are sick by crossing the border back to their family or physicians their family knows and uses in Mexico. â€Å"I have a jaded opinion of the American healthcare system knowing that I can get the drugs or treatment I need faster and cheaper in Mexico.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Patrick says, â€Å"I personally have a bias against the old school white male clinician that I am likely to see during a doctor visit. It is more textbook question after question and less inviting.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Having said that, he did explain that in Mexico you a more likely to see a physician who is more involved and interested in what will make you feel b etter. Funny enough, Patrick laughed and said, â€Å"That’s real too!† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) When I asked Patrick if he would prefer to have a physician from his culture, he said, he would probably be more open with someone from his culture. However, if not, he would hope to see a qualified physician to whom he could relate. On a more positive note, Patrick told me that in the Latin culture mental illness such as schizophrenia and Down syndrome are not looked down upon but instead are accepted by the family and the community. â€Å"You come together as a community to provide whatever they need and to offer support for not just the mentally ill but also for the physically ill, grieving, and the indigent.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) I asked Patrick what role his culture and religion played in his up-bringing. In a very earnest response, he replied, â€Å"I think in Mexican heritage we really val ue family life.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Society did not dictate how he was disciplined even though the Mexican population is Roman Catholic as a culture. When I asked him about his own health, he replied that he becomes quite overwhelmed with the stress of being a pre-school teacher. He added, how a person carries their stress determines how healthy or sickly they may be. Patrick felt he could be healthier and that he could better his own situation using diet, exercise, and stress management. In 2003, the Institute of Medicine recognized that an increasing number of studies focusing on disparities in healthcare validated the view of racial and ethnic minorities as credible assessments. For example the biased views often held by Mexican-Americans toward their physician have a true influence on the patient as well as the physician. While the patient questions competency and may disrespect the physician because he is culturally different and not of the same ethnicity, conversely the physician’s perspective is often influenced by the patient’s avoidance of treatment and difficulty in communication (Blendon et al., 2007). In my interview with Patrick he reinforced this point by saying, â€Å"The relationship you have with a physician or nurse determines the types of questions they are free to ask and how freely you will answer them.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Very personal questions, sexual in nature or concerning abortion are purposefully not answered if a patient assesses the physician as not caring or trust worthy. Trying to get answers out of him as a patient would be very taxing for a physician with whom he felt no bond or trust, even to the detriment of his health. Latin heritage is structured with a religious upbringing of Roman Catholicism that deters conversations concerning contraception and abortion. Abortion is a religious belief not a physician’s advice or a recommendation of a healthcare practitioner. A first visit is very different and although Patrick says he would probably be very reserved, he would give that physician the opportunity to build a trusting relationship. With his healthcare experiences at Kaiser Permanente, in particular, he has had no continuity of care and has received most of his treatment from nurses and nurse practitioners. Exasperated, Patrick commented, â€Å"I am likely to see a physician for about 5 seconds, if at all.† (P. de Mendoza, personal com munication, February 20, 2014) Again he repeated, â€Å"†¦ and that’s real too!† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Contrary to most Mexican-Americans, Non-Hispanic whites in the United States are in some ways more compelled by logic than culture when sick and dealing with healthcare. As far back in time as I can remember, if I became ill my mother either called the doctor or took me to the doctor’s office for a visit. I believe in western medicine, but my physician spoke the same language I did and I had health insurance that helped to pay for services. Rationally, it makes sense to go to the person who has the knowledge to solve the problem you are having. If you are having car trouble you go to the auto-mechanic. If you are having issues with your roof leaking, you call the roofer. If you are having complications within your body, you call the person who knows the most about the human body. Traditionally, for Caucasians in America whose grandparents’ grandparents were U.S. settlers, that person is a physician. Whether for a slight cold or a broken limb, I saw the doctor. I never had any problems getting an appointment because I never really had to have one. I very simply went to the office and signed in. Usually there was somewhat of a wait, but the time was well worth the medical resolution. I saw the same physician my father always had. When he retired his son took over his practice and he is still my physician today. â€Å"Since our hospitals were built by European Americans for European Americans, their values such as autonomy, independence, and privacy prevail in our institutions. Patients who have immigrated†¦ often value the family over the individual or view the male head of household as the decision maker for the patient† (Galanti, 2001). The hospital staff maintains that patients should want to gain their independence as a part of a healthy outcome (Galanti, 2001). Health outcomes are certainly affected by socio-economic advantage and cultural non-minorities benefit from higher rates of employment, acquisition of insurance, as well as choice and quality of health services. Mental health is another area where Mexican-Americans and Non-Hispanic whites differ. Both populations seem to have contrasting ideas about the causation of psychiatric illness which affect the roles family members play in treatment and recovery. The Hispanic culture is accepting of the person regardless of the ailment. The Mexican perspective accepts and expresses less blame, embarrassment and stigmatization than what I have personally witnessed in my own culture. I had an uncle who was an alcoholic. In the community and in the family people expressed a common feeling of disgust for him. My brothers and I were always told, â€Å"Stay away from Paul, he drinks too much.† Whether a genetic disorder such as Down syndrome or complication from drug use during pregnancy, the child is accepted with open arms and warmth. Patrick proudly stated, â€Å"The family and community comes together as one to pitch in and help those who suffer from perhaps schizophrenia or alcoholism. It is a cultural fundament to actively participate and help.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Patrick’s mother suffers from schizophrenia. He says, â€Å"Every one of all ages is expected to chip in and make sure the person suffering is not left behind to suffer alone.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Patrick continued with high spirits telling me that Latin America is very conversational rather than a more reserved culture where some things are not discussed. â€Å"There is a comfort in everyone chiming in; no one is labeled or shunned because they share a different opinion from the rest of the group. We are an open forum.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Culture and ethnicity create a unique pattern of beliefs and perceptions as to what â€Å"health† or â€Å"illness† actually mean. In turn, this pattern of beliefs influences how symptoms are recognized, to what they are attributed and how they are interpreted, and effects how and when health services are sought. (Anderson, Scrimshaw, Fullilove, Fielding, Normand, 2003, p. 68) Utilization or lack thereof is not always due to an absence of medical facilities or health insurance. Sometimes there isn’t a language barrier that keeps someone from having a conversation with a healthcare practitioner. Even as there is a growing population of medical professionals of the Hispanic ethnicity as well as other minorities, generally most Mexican-Americans expect their primary practitioner to be an older white male. In Patrick’s view, this acts as a deterrent to the United States healthcare system for most Mexican-Americans. While Patrick’s idea of the physician’s ethnicity may inhibit most of his Mexican-American friends; this is an image of a provider that I am used to. As bravado as Patrick’s culture is, for 8 of 9 of his closest friends the head of the family is the grand-ma, abuelita. â€Å"We often take the opinion of our elders, grand-mother or uncle who you know are on your side.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) At this point Patrick has an HMO. He says, â€Å"Doctors are not advocating for me.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) If he sought a physician’s advice, the recommendation always comes from family and friends. Longstanding in Mexican culture, many tend to go over the boarder to have procedures performed. Patrick said, â€Å"I don’t know if it is of the same quality as U.S. healthcare, but unless you have a really good job with excellent insurance coverage and a strong bond with your physician, then you trust the people your family go to when they are sick.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) Shocking to me, he added, â€Å"I have friends that are in the military with great healthcare, but they still go to Mexico to get procedures they need because their families went there.† (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014) The Clinical Nurse Leader character was formed by the AACN in 2006 to afford headship across all aspects of our health care organization (Shipman, Stanton, Hankins, Odom-Bartel, 2013). Patrick felt that miscommunication and a lack of cultural understanding leads to mistrust. He said, The more you trust a doctor the better relationship you have and the more inclined you are to talk about your personal issues and relationships. When I’m referring to going over the border, I’m speaking of seeing the family doctor. It does say a lot to have a family doctor because you have a history with someone who can identify with your beliefs (P. de Mendoza, personal communication, February 20, 2014). As a Clinical Nurse Leader, we are responsible for advocating for the patient and for fostering communication between patients, their families or care takers and nurses and physicians alike. The involvement of a CNL in patient treatment could soon be as prevalent in health care facilities as physician assistants and nurse practitioners are now. CNLs could put programs in place for retaining and recruiting diverse staff. This would provide a deeper well of knowledge of beliefs and practices from many cultures not just one or two. Another obligation of all practitioners and specifically Nurse Leaders is to ensure that educational materials are available that are culturally and linguistically appropriate for each clients’ cultural history. Our patients should feel as though their Clinical Nurse Leaders have given them the tools to actively be involved in their own health treatment. These are basic cultural competencies that, when implemented, further the cultural riches within he alth facilities already available to diverse communities. A Clinical Nurse Leader, having specific training in cultural awareness, will hopefully creatively lessen communication barriers, facilitate the integration of larger knowledge bases of ethnic health beliefs, as well as better conditions and practices. To provide an equal quality of healthcare to everyone hardly means treating all patients the same. In order to give optimal health care to everyone, all professionals must consider humanity’s many differences, attempt to know each client, and tailor treatment to the individual. We could also work with area providers in sensitivity training helping them to become aware of their beliefs that work to marginalize other ethnicities. (Anderson et al., 2003, p. 72) I hope that these accomplishments and goals toward quality of care are realized in the near future. It is senseless for a country as advanced as the United States is to have such a miraculous body of medical and biologic knowledge, if we fail to use that information to optimize the health situations of all the people that make-up our society. Patrick felt his health was not at its best due to the amount of stress he experiences. He felt his health could be transformed by more positive thinking, setting realistic goals, eating better, and exercising. As Clinical Nurse Leaders, we should be promoting inter-professional team care and embracing not an alternative system, but a complimentary treatment approach to the patient as a whole. References Anderson, L. M., Scrimshaw, S. C., Fullilove, M. T., Fielding, J. .E., Normand, J., (2003). Culturally competent healthcare systems: a systematic review. American journal of preventive medicine, 24(3), 68–79. doi: 10.1016/S0749-3797(02)00657-8 Blendon, R. J., Buhr, T., Cassidy, E. F., Perez, D. J., Hunt, K. A., Fleischfresser, C., . . . Herrmann, M. J. (2007). Disparities In Health: Perspectives Of A Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Racial America. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.26.5.1437 Galanti, G. A. (2001). The challenge of serving and working with diverse populations in American hospitals. Diversity Factor, 9(3), 21-26. Shipman, S., Stanton, M., Hankins, J., Odom-Bartel, R. (2013). INCORPORATION OF THE CLINICAL NURSE LEADER IN PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29(1), 4-10. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2012.04.004

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Five force model of PIXAR

Threat of new entrants: High Advanced technologies make it difficult for new competitors to enter the market because they have to develop those technologies before effectively competing. The requirement for advanced technologies positively affects PIXAR. The PIXAR has a high level technology development department, so the threat of new competitors is the technology. Threat of substitute products or services: Moderate I consider substitute products to be theater or other forms of entertainment. Internet is also a substitute form of entertainment as the concept of instant messaging was very popular at this time. Also, we can see the beginning of the popular social network Facebook gain traction as it was launched in 2004. Rivalry among existing competitors: High Since there are only a few key players with similar percentage of market share (ranges from 14%-19%), the competition between them is strong. To be more competitive, the growing trend is to consolidate and acquire other studios. For example, Vivendi acquired Universal in 2000, which was then acquired by GE in 2004 and Viacom acquired DreamWorks in 2006. Power of buyers: Moderate I assess this threat to be moderate as there are many potential consumers with limited financial impact on the industry. In addition, the industry is dominated by key players thus is able to limit the options for the buyers. On the contrary, even though there are only a few options, there are effectively zero switching costs for customers. Hence, watching a film by one company does not make it more costly or difficult to then watch a film from a competitor. Power of suppliers: Moderate I assess this threat to be moderate since with technology, hand-drawn animation is being replaced by computer technology. In addition, the needs for these computer animation skills start to be outsourced from North America to Asia Pacific where there are significant lower costs coupled with high quality computer animation production.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Solution to childhood obesity in Australia Essay

It is essential that through government and community participation, we develop, establish and integrate safe strategies to tackle the ever increasing problem of childhood obesity. ‘Australia is rapidly turning into a nation of fat kids.’ One in every five youngsters is now designated as overweight or obese, living a life prone to cardiovascular and health problems along with risks to there mental state and general well being. Studies conducted by The Australian Diabetes, obesity and lifestyle council indicate that poor self-esteem and confidence has also been associated with obesity and almost doubles the chances of depression. Education Queensland also associates obesity with poor academic performance, un-developed motor skills and coordination. Obesity is a killer, not only causing serious long term medial problems, but costing the taxpayer over a billion dollars each year. Something must be done. If we don’t act on this problem NOW, then it is predicted by 2020 that 65% of adolescents will be overweight or obese. There are so many reasons to exercise, so many benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. In today’s media conscious world we hear bout them, read bout them and are told about them almost everyday. So why do we continually ask the question.. why is Australia’s youth becoming increasingly overweight and unfit? There is a simple reason behind this staggering truth, a recent study found that 80 percent of adolescence did very little or no exercise- daily activities such as walking to school, physical education classes, after school activities, chores and general playing have been replaced with a sedentary lifestyle in front of the TV, computer or video games. Together we need to develop, establish and integrate safe program that offers adolescents of all ages the opportunity to engage in physical activity that enhances work, recreation and sports enjoyment and performance. For you see Im not going to let another child go through the pain, torture and humiliation I suffered in my childhood years. Let me tell you a story†¦ â€Å"For the majority of my primary years I was called ‘fattie’. I weighed about a 130 kilos, had a double chin, a bulging gut, fat hanging from every direction and for this physical appearance I truly copped it. Undoubtedly, my years at primary school probably weren’t like your days, fun-filled or joyful, my days were filled with tears, pain and suffering. Every single day of my life from years four to seven were filled with name calling and pranks. Not a day went by that I didn’t get singled out, harassed or bullied. Day after day, second after second I was being called ‘fat boy, fattie, go have another cheese burger’. It tore away my confidence and squashed my self esteem. I missed out on what people describe as some of the best years of your life, I gave up rugby, soccer and swimming not because I didn’t enjoy it, but instead because every time I went to training or a game I felt alone†¦ inadequate.† How would you like it if you life was like this day after day, , minute after minute? Do you think you’d be sitting where you are today?, This heart break, pain and torture was caused by one thing obesity. I was so sick of been harassed, singled out I searched for a solution. Three months later, after living on a diet that consisted of egg white, protein shakes and salad and an hours exercise. I was a new person, sixty kilos lighter. But the psychological issues were still there, I became ever more unconfident, depressed and unsure of myself. I became addicted to the gym, going twice or three times a day and even took growth hormones and steroids to gain people’s acceptance. The cycle kept on going, until it got to the point where it got to much, the body couldn’t handle it, I couldn’t handle.. and I found myself in hospital. Childhood obesity isn’t simply, an issue of been fat, it plays with the mind and heart. Together, we need to develop, establish and integrate safe program that allows youths of all shapes and sizes the chance to identify the physiological reason as why they are overweight, the opportunity to be involved with whatever physical activity they find fun, and motivate and  support them to lead a healthy and active life in a safe manner. Something needs to be done. It is essential that through political and social streams, an alliance is formed to tackle the ever increasing problems of childhood obesity. With government funding, a program can be developed that that permanently changes basic eating and exercise habits. This will be achieved by identifying the key emotional issues that are instrumental in the adolescent becoming overweight. Allowing children from all socio-economic backgrounds the opportunity to take up physical activity such as soccer or rugby and be in a supportive atmosphere were dietians, physiologist and mentors are available. Such a program can be integrated within the current school time table or take place as an after school care activity. By establishing and integrating such a program that approaches the problems of childhood obesity from every angle, we can hopefully help those one in five suffers. Studies by Fitness Australia, illustrate that Youth receiving additional physical activity tend to show improved attributes such as increased brain function and nourishment, higher energy/concentration levels, changes in body build affecting increased self-esteem and better behaviour which may all support cognitive learning. If this is not enough to convince you, then think bout it from your own perspective, would you like to be teased and tormented everyday, live in a world of depression, where you simply don’t think you match up? As Martin Luther King once said â€Å"I am not sure I would have wanted my children to live a life of torment and abuse, so I dared to stop it.† Together, we can turn Australia into a nation of healthy, lean, happy and confident children, that are on top of the world.

Friday, November 8, 2019

International Business in Emerging Economies

International Business in Emerging Economies Introduction Business environment is becoming competitive due to globalization caused by technological inventions. Firms have come to realize that in order to become competitive in the market they need to go beyond the local markets. This is one fact that management of Haier is well aware of and is planning on how to expand the market share for its refrigerators. There is need to enter into the emerging markets with this product.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on International Business in Emerging Economies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the most attractive destinations for this product is in South Africa (Pitt 2001, p. 58). This is not only because of the large size of the country, but also because of the massive growth of its economy. South Africa is one of the emerging economies, and the average purchasing power of the people of this country is relatively high as compared to other neighboring countries in the region. The emergence of the middle class in South Africa means that Haier refrigerators can easily find a huge market in this country. This is especially so in the major cities such as Cape Town and Johannesburg. However, this firm can only succeed in this market if it understands the external environmental forces that will affect its operations while in this country. The management should also be aware of the internal strengths and weaknesses in order to devise ways of managing the external market forces. This research will analyze the South African market environment. External Business Environment of South Africa Cultural, political, economic, and legal aspects of a country make up the external environment of a business. External business environment is very important because it will always determine success or failure of a firm. A business unit cannot survive in a hostile business environment. According to Cooper (2009, p. 78), external business environment always dictates g rowth and development of a business. In order to understand business environment of South Africa, PESTEL analysis will be important. This economic analysis tool will help us understand South Africa as a business region, and its viability in supporting growth and development of this firm. PESTEL Analysis of South African Business Environment Political Aspects South Africa is one of the leading democracies in this region. This country became a republic in 1994 from the Dutch. The president is the head of state and government. Politically, South Africa has a very stable government. The country has experienced a long period of political stability that has made it conducive for business. It has a very stable government that is supportive of business operations.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Coulter (2009, p. 89), the political environment of South Africa has been very supportive of business operations. This scholar says that the political class has created a clear distinction between politics and business environments. The transitions from one regime to another have been very peaceful, and none has ever had a serious negative effect on the business fraternity since its independence. Economic Aspects As was stated above, South Africa has the largest economy in Africa based on Gross Domestic Product. Although the GDP is always very important when analyzing the attractiveness of a country in sustaining a business, the most important factor is always the wealth held by individual citizens. This country is one of the wealthiest nations in Africa in average household wealth. This means that its citizens have strong purchasing power. This makes the country a very attractive market for firms interested in venturing into it. The report by Davida (2008, p. 78) also shows that this country is rated favorably in purchasing power parity by GDP in this region. This means that wealth of the nation is fairly spread. This increases the purchasing power of the country. South Africans do appreciate the need to save, but they also spend a good part of their income. It is important though, to understand the fact that this country has also been experiencing economic recession that has been affecting the world from time to time. The country was affected by the 2009 economic recession that hit the United States and other regions of the world. The South African government came up with various policies immediately the 2008/2009 economic recession ended. The government has endeavored to ensure that the economy of the country do not experience difficulties it faced. The Socio-Cultural Environment South Africa has one of the richest socio-cultural environments in the world. Devellis (2001, p. 69) says that South Africa has a very rich cultural heritage that makes it stand out among many other countries. The socio-cultural environment of this country is diversified. This is because this country has people from all over the world. The people of South Africa cherish equality, and women have equal economic strength just as men. In this country, this firm should not segment the market based on gender. The country has been known for its ideals and declarations of rights of women. Based on religion, this country has several believers who are from different religions. The leading religion is Christianity. However, there are Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and Pagans among other African religions. All these religions have been co-existing peacefully and without any form of friction.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on International Business in Emerging Economies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, each group has its own beliefs that make them unique in the market (Letavec 2006, p. 57). For instance, Muslims do not eat pork. Although their population is not very h igh in this country, they have an impact in the market. The management of Haier must therefore, be careful when segmenting the market. According to Clark (2000, p. 650), there is a unique character that makes the South African market different from others. The South Africans generally love leisure. They also like attractive products that symbolize love for life and for others. This is the reason why it is one of the leading markets for flowers in Africa. The country is also very sensitive when it comes to issues about colors. They have cultural beliefs about some specific colors. Each color has a specific attachment, and is therefore, suitable for different occasions. The Management of Haier must take a keen consideration when choosing colors for its products. This society is also very careful about diction. Every word has a special meaning. As a marketer of Haier, one would need to be very careful with the choice of word used during the promotional campaigns (Nagarajan 2005, p. 29) . Any wrong usage of word may cost a firm its market share. The technological environment in this country is very dynamic. Technological inventions and innovations, especially in the field of communication have been the main challenge and strength of various firms at the same time. While some firms are left with nightmares of trying to guess what their competitors in the market are going to come up with overnight, some have used this technology to emerge as the leaders in the market. Technological changes are so unpredictable and firms are struggling to come terms with these changes. The dynamism of technology in this sector has forced some firms out of the market. Legal Aspects According to Goolnik (2006, p. 56), no firm can operate in an industry that has no clear laws and regulations to help in general governance. Laws and regulations are always enacted to help define the relationship between a firm and the government, a firm and the public, and a firm with other firms. This law should be clear on various operational issues in order to ensure that operations of one firm do not affect that of another firm. Some governments always enact laws that may motivate growth of one industry, while impeding the growth of another country. Other laws may also be enacted to discourage foreign firms from investing in the country.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The government of South Africa has enacted laws that liberalize the economy. The laws have encouraged growth of the private sector through public-private partnership (Kanda 2011, p. 84). Legally, most firms have not faced major challenges. The laws that govern trade in South Africa have been very favorable to most firms. However, some firms have faced serious litigation cases for failure to follow some of the industry rules and regulations. Of importance to note is that this country is largely a Christian state. Most of the laws of this land are based on the morals and beliefs of Christianity. For this reason therefore, some businesses practices are not allowed in this country (Binder 2007, p. 84). Failure to follow the industry and national laws and regulation may not only lead to serious fines imposed by the government on the firm, but even a total closure of the firm. Haier should be aware of this. The government has clearly defined how firms should relate amongst themselves. Suc h issues as advertisements are closely regulated, with various agencies keenly monitoring content of the adverts. This is specifically so due to two main reasons. The first reason is to ensure that an advert for company A does not have a direct negative effect on products for company B. This is to create a healthy competitive environment where firms have respect for one another. Another reason for this regulation is viewers of the adverts who are below the age of majority. A standard language should be used when advertising in order to ensure that children’s mind is not polluted with contents meant for adults. However, given the nature of the product Haier is taking to this market, it may not face any serious challenge from this perspective of the law (Murch 2004, p. 48). The management of Haier only needs to understand how it needs to relate to the government, the public and other firms in this country. There are some environmental concerns that have legal implications. Sout h Africa is one of the emerging economies in the world. There are environmental agencies that have come out strongly to defend nature from any form of pollution. When operating in this country, the management of Haier should be aware of the laws that are enacted to protect the environment (Barker 2003, p. 89). Contravening these laws may result in litigation against the firm. This can cause serious financial consequences. Internal analysis of Haier Using SWOT Model SWOT analysis is always a very important tool that helps in determining the internal ability and weaknesses of the firm, and the opportunities and threats that are available in the external environment. This analysis will help in understanding this firm, and in knowing some of the factors that have propelled it to its current position in the market. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Company Haier Company has some special abilities that can be considered its main strength in the market. The ability of this firm to develop a variety of refrigerators of different sizes and for different purposes has earned it a massive ability to target various market segments. To help it succeed in this industry, this firm has come up with a quality control unit in all its subsidiaries in order to ensure that it delivers quality products to the customer (Chiou Droge 2006, p. 620). Ability to deliver quality service to the customer has made it develop a special niche in the market making its products popular across the world. The firm is also one of the first firms that embraced value chain management. Through this, the firm has been able to continue satisfying its customers at a reasonable cost. The ability of this firm to adopt the emerging technologies has been considered as strength by other firms. Haier refrigerator is one of its recent products that demonstrates the capacity of this firm to deliver special satisfaction to its customers by bringing products that are a little beyond the expectations of the market. D espite the above strengths for this firm, it has some weaknesses that have impeded its growth to a given degree. One of the main concerns that this firm has not addressed properly is the issue of the emerging technologies. LG and Samsung have successfully maintained their lead as the top manufacturers and distributors of refrigerators (Chaudhuri Holbrook 2001, 89). The main reason for this was the inability of this firm to adapt to the emerging technologies within the right time. Another thorny issue for this firm has been on environmental management. The components of the products of this firm are known to be very dangerous to the environment. Components of old refrigerators pose a serious threat to the environment. This firm has been criticized, alongside other firms, to be leading in the pollution of the environment. This firm is yet to come up with a clear structure on how it can manage environmental pollution caused by its wastes around the globe (Bruning 2002, p. 41). The fir m has claimed that it has been engaging in corporate social responsibility. However, this has not been enough to make the public believe its commitment to a cleaner environment. Opportunities and Threats In every industry, there are always opportunities and threats that a firm may come across in the external environment. Various opportunities exist for Haier in its operations in the South African market. One of the opportunities that this firm has had is an expansive and unexploited market in the third world countries. Most of the electronics firms have focused their effort on building a large base of loyal customers in the leading economies like the United States and the European markets (Andrzej Buchaman 2007, p. 98). This firm has managed to tap into the emerging markets in African and parts of Asia. The stable economic growth in the emerging economies means that there is increased opportunity for this firm to increase its sales in such countries as the South African markets and the neighboring regions. This growth of economy means that the consumers will always have enough to spend on luxurious goods such as the expensive Haier refrigerators. The market has developed an interesting trend where this firm is competing with Samsung for the market share of the refrigerators. The market has been experiencing a stiff competition between Haier refrigerators and Samsung refrigerators (Sirkin Jackson, 2005, p. 18). Although this may be considered as a threat, this competition has offered the two firms an opportunity to acquire a special niche in the industry, outsmarting some of the former industry giant like Sanyo. The emergent of an economically empowered youth around the world is also another opportunity that this firm has been able to exploit. In the IT industry, the main target market is the youth. With an economically empowered youth, this firm can generate many benefits through increased sales. There are threats that exist in this industry that is worth no ting. Technology is probably the main threat that this firm faces in this industry. Haier has used technology to reach its current position. It has managed to adapt to the emerging technologies at a gradual rate (Doladi 2007, p 218). However, it is a frightening trying to figure out what some of the competitors can do with this same technology. Any slowness in managing the emerging technologies can pose a serious threat to this firm. Another biggest threat that this firm faces is the stiff competition posed by rival firms. This industry is one of the most competitive industries in the world. Any slight mistake by the firm may result in a situation where its market share is taken over by other rival firms. Market Entry Mode According to Bird (2007, p. 221), it is important for a firm to have a clear strategy that it intends to use when getting into a new market. Haier should understand that the market forces in its home country are different from the forces in South Africa. It should find the best way through which it can get into the South African market with as minimal challenges as possible (McCarthy 2010, p. 36). One of the modes of entry can be direct market entry into this market. In this strategy, the firm will need to register with the relevant authorities is South Africa and start its operations in this country as an independent firm. Another alternative is to find exclusive distributers of its products in the market. In this approach, it will only need to coordinate with these distributers and supply them with its products. The distributers will be responsible for sale of the refrigerators in the South African Market. Alternatively, this firm can get into partnership with a South African firm in the electronic industry. With this partner, this firm can introduce its refrigerators into this country. Given the nature of this product and the level of market competition, direct market entry mode would be the most appropriate. The Organizational Strategy f or the Entry Direct market entry Strategy is appropriate because it would enable Haier to deal with the competition posed by competitors in a direct manner. To do this, the management of Haier should develop organizational strategy for this entry. The first step should be analysis of the market prior to the entry. This will enable the firm to understand what is needed in this market. After the survey, the management should form a team that will be responsible for managing this market (Bardes 2008, p. 187). This team should only include top managers because it would be appropriate to have host country nationals for other positions. The team should then develop market entry strategy that would help create a positive image of this firm in the market. This team must develop appropriate market proposition that would give it an advantage over its competitors. This may include positioning itself as an electronic firm that is environment friendly, besides being conscious of environmental fo rces. Human Resource Management Strategy According to Banutu (2004, p. 145), it is very important for the management of a firm to come up with an appropriate human resource management strategy when entering a new market. There are four options that Haier can use when staffing its new plant in South Africa. The first option may be to use parent country nationals, which would mean that it would come with employees from China. The second option is to have host country nationals meaning that it will hire South Africans at this new plant. The third option is to use third country national, which means that it will hire employees from other countries other than China and South Africa. The last option, which is the most appropriate, is to have a mix of the three strategies (Kousholt 2007, p. 37). Haier will employ top management from any other country, while junior employees would come from South Africa. Employing South Africans will help this firm in marketing because these employees alrea dy have an understanding of the market environment. These employees should be kept constantly motivated to ensure that they give out their best. Environmental Issues and Corporate Social Responsibility When the management has successfully made an entry into this new market, it would need to develop a positive relationship with the public. Gaining favorable public image would require this firm to engage in various activities that would endear it to the public. Corporate social responsibility offers a firm an opportunity to work with the public for the betterment of the public other than to generate profits for the firm (Baekdal 2006, p. 54). Given that the society has become very sensitive on issues concerning the environment, the management of Haier should consider engaging in activities focused on protecting the environment. This may include planting of trees, getting rid of electronic and plastic wastes from the environment or such other similar activities. This will help give a n ew positive image for this firm in the market. Conclusion It is apparent from the discussion above that Haier can make a successful entry into the South African market with its refrigerators. South Africa is one of the emerging economies in the world and it is one of the most attractive markets for this firm. However, Haier needs to understand the external environmental forces it may face when operating in this country. It needs to understand socio-cultural environment, political and economic factors of this country that may affect its operations. This firm may also need to understand its internal strengths and weaknesses that may affect its operations in this country. Direct market entry into the South African market is the most appropriate approach for this firm, and most of its employees, especially the mid-level managers and junior employees should be South Africans. Participation in corporate social responsibility will give this firm a good image in this new market. List of Ref erence Andrzej, A Buchaman, A 2007, Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall, London. Baekdal, T 2006, â€Å"Handle change management projects more effectively,† Change Management Handbook, vol. 1, no. 27, pp. 7-57. Banutu, M 2004, The Emerging Markets in Asia and Africa, Journal of American Academy of Business, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 143-151. Bardes, R 2008, Effects of Social Loafing on Organization, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 180-197. Barker, F 2003, The South African labour market, Van Schaik, Pretoria. Binder, J 2007, Global project management: communication, collaboration and management across borders, Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 21-110. Bird, A 2007, Team structure and success as related to cohesiveness and leadership, Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 103, no. 2, pp. 217-223. Bruning, S 2002, Relationship building as a retention strategy: linking relationship attitudes and satisfaction evaluations to behavioral outcomes, Public Relations Review, vol. 28. No. 1, pp. 39-48. Chaudhuri, A Holbrook, M 2001, The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect to brand performance: the role of brand loyalty, Journal of Marketing, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 81-93. Chiou, J Droge, C 2006, Service quality, trust, specific asset investment, and expertise: Direct and indirect effects in a satisfaction-loyalty framework, Journal of the Academy of Marketing science, vol. 34, no. 4, p. 613-27. Clark, C 2000, Differences between public relations and corporate social responsibility: an analysis, Public Relations Review, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 363-80. Cooper, R 2009, Portfolio management for new products, Perseus, Cambridge. Coulter, M 2009, Strategic Management in Action, Pearson Higher Education, New York. Davida, F 2008, Strategic Management: Concepts, Pearson Higher Education, New York. Devellis, R 2001, Scale Development: Theories and Application, Sage, Newbury Park. Doladi, A 2007, Achieving suc cess with group, Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 103, no. 2, pp. 217-223. Goolnik, G 2006, â€Å"Effective Change Management Strategies†, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, vol. 7, no. 1, pp 10-78. Kanda, A 2011, Project management: A life cycle approach, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi. Kousholt, B 2007, Project management: Theory and practice, Nyt Teknisk Forlag, New York. Letavec, C 2006, The program management office: establishing, managing and growing the value of a PMO, Ross Publishers, Florida. McCarthy, C 2010, â€Å"Ways of Managing Social Loafing within a Firm,† Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, vol. 1, no. 39, pp 20-41. Murch, R 2004, Project management: Best practices for IT professionals, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River. Nagarajan, K 2005, Project management, New Age International, New Delhi. Pitt, L 2001, South African marketing cases for decision makers, Juta, Lansdowne. Sirkin, H Jackson, A 2005, à ¢â‚¬Å"The Hard Side of Change Management†, Harvard Business Review, vol. 3, no. 4, pp 1-18.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Business strategy mcdonald Essays

Business strategy mcdonald Essays Business strategy mcdonald Essay Business strategy mcdonald Essay If we all have different receptions of reality then the big question is; do we know real true picture of reality? Reality in accounting is something I believe is very hard for us people to determine. Firstly is that most of the measurement used in the accounting system are arbitrary. How can we know that something which is based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or systems is the truth? Secondly accounting is also based on assumptions. So what is seems like that in accounting there is no such thing as reality. Obviously we couldnt know what is true if methods of accounting are based on arbitrary methods and assumptions. If this is so, then again the big question is; how can accountants communicate reality if we dont know what is reality. A. In the given question, the directors decision on deciding not to life the going concern assumption while the companys performance and position is deteriorating is totally wrong and unethical. The company knew very well that there are people out there who are going to rely on their financial decisions to make very important decisions. Not lifting the going concern assumption will make stakeholders think especially primary users that the companys financial performance and position is going well and healthy when in act its not. In this case the directors are communicating a false reality. B. Well communicating a false reality doesnt mean that also you are creating a false reality. For God. Anything can happen in the future. Revenue might increase as well as sales, profit might increase and the business might again run well. In this case the company is creating a reality. . ) Fiji Sugar Corporation. The Fiji Sugar Corporation is said to be responsible for the pollution of the Aqua River in Labs. The question to ask is whether the Fiji Sugar Corporation (FCC) is really responsible for the pollution of the Aqua River that had resulted in the killing f the marine life. Or is the waste dumped by the FCC in the Aqua River the cause of pollution. It is being evident that the waste dumped by FCC to the river is the direct c ause of the killing of the marine life in the river. ( If]times. Mom) (The Fiji Times, 24/12/08) Last year we took samples from the river and results confirmed that the chemicals were from FCC so this new testing is part of our prosecution process. Mr Kumar Tests result shows that the death of river plants and vaporizing useful gases is the result of a rise in temperature in the river that was caused by hot water being poured into the Aqua River.. All Saints Secondary School students and hundreds of residents beside the river complained of headache as a result of the pollution by FCC. ( If]times. Mom) (Fiji times, 03/09/09) With the evidence given above, can we say that the organization is responsible for the pollution of the Aqua River? Ruth D Hines said that we must not think that the fence of the organization sets the limit or the boundary of the organization. The only thing the fence does is to separate the other people from the organization or to designate it so to speak. Well in terms of pollution, I do agree that the organization is responsible for the pollution. As evident above that the waste dumped by the FCC is the direct cause of the pollution which had an adverse effect on the river, environment and the people. If it wasnt for the organization dumping rubbish into the river there wouldnt have been any pollution. Hines also said that we should account for something that we are accountable for. It would be unethical for FCC not to account for the pollution caused by them. Even though we might think that the pollution is outside of the organizations context but in reality we know that the damage to the environment is directly caused by pollution by the organization. As a conclusion we can say that pollution is very much part of the organization. As it is the direct effect and outcome of the production process of the organization. So Fiji Sugar Corporation should account for the pollution. B. ) The organization is now placing more significance on sustaining a clean environment in particular waste water release from mill operation and air pollution not only for its staff but its stakeholders too. The organization is aiming on the execution of various engineering controls. This will result in the minimization of waste to the environment and by doing this they will e adhering to the Mill Upgrade Program. All mills around the country had formed committees that will observe and address pollution. Annual report 2010). Recognizing revenue in the period or periods that the revenue-generating activities of the companies are performed is the objective of the firm. There are two conditions that needs to be satisfied before revenue can be recognized in the realization principle: 1 . The earnings process is Judged to be complete or virtually complete (the earnings process refers to the activity or activities performed by t he company to generate revenue). 2. There is reasonable certainty as to the collegiality of the asset to be received (usually) (http://connect. McGraw-hill. Mom) Businesses recognize revenues ate different point in time due to a number of reasons: Businesses are different in nature. The activities performed by the companies to generate revenue are differently judged to be complete. It because of these two catteries that revenue are differently recognized. For example revenue from selling of inventory are recognized at the date of sale often interpreted as the date of delivery. This is because at the date of delivery the earnings process is Judged to be complete. For revenue from rendering services are recognized when services are completed and billed.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Frames paper incorporating Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal's four Term

Frames incorporating Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal's four frameworks - Term Paper Example Production factors are vital to the manager, since the company cannot enter the market without a product to offer. Labor, premises, raw materials, and machinery are the major factors. Similarly, the company considers its market segments and determines the number of competitors and customers and the relationship between the two groups. The company further researches to establish all the relevant stakeholders in the micro and macro environments (Bolman & Deal, 2008). The following cites a comprehensive framework of the above-mentioned factors in relation to that of Bolman and Deal. Our most important tool of management is labor. Labor comprises of all employees that help in effecting the product manufacturing process. Employees show different behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes relative to their different cultures and societies. This brings forth a state of confusion on how to coerce their differences for the company’s benefit. As the manager, I maintain a distinct culture that me ntors all employees’ characteristics to target towards achieving organizational goals and objectives. I ensure that employees abide by the code of conduct at the result targets to mutual benefits. Conflicts among employees are a common lyric in every organization thus; the management intervenes and rules out in accordance to the code stipulated by the organization. When these conflicts involve employees and the organization, the management has to find a solution before operations come into halt. As the manager, I practice the spirit of motivation, that is, in influencing a person to perform a given task either by use of a positive measure or a negative one. To the company, motivation plays the most pivotal role as it affects performance of the set goals. Giving employees more than just monetary incentives, will similarly improve their performance and the outcome is that the company will achieve its objectives. Therefore, the importance of motivation is to enable workers sense that they are part of the organization. I believe in motivation as it eases unnecessary fears amongst the employees. The company’s statistics reveal that workers perform poorly under oppression as compared to when motivated. This is because; they have the duty to carry out all tasks, irrespective of whether machinery or manual operations. The essence is that, no matter the employees competence to a task, shortcomings may arise due to monotony, frustration, and oppression. As a manager, I should engage in motivation, and must try to curb behaviors that tend to mislead the company, and practice behaviors that will gear up progression and prosperity. Bearing in mind that, every set of human beings does exhibit distinct cultures, the management should observe and tame that culture which favors the company. Culture comprises of personal beliefs, attributes, needs, and behaviors. On addressing these issues properly, the company pursues its objectives and strategically beats compet ition. I believe in addressing issues in a friendly way and welcome views from the employees. I believe in avoiding ideologies of drawing attention from the employees that they should recognize me by my position. Every company has a mission and vision in its business field. Therefore, to come up with the best results of production, I consider the goals and objectives of the company. For example, the company’s mission is to enhance economic growth and customer satisfaction, the products entice consumers to feel

Friday, November 1, 2019

Identity Theft Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Identity Theft - Assignment Example commission; it postulates that in order for a crime to be committed such as the identity theft case; three elements namely; pressure, opportunity and rationalization must be in play. These are depicted in the figure below; Opportunity refers to the capability to commit a crime. Since very few crooks like being caught, they must act in a way that will ensure their activities remain untraceable. This becomes possible when weak internal controls and management practices exist that allow the fraudsters to sneak in and wreak havoc. Lack of established procedures to anticipate, detect, and respond to attacks and violations creates an opportunity for frauds. This is one area where frauds and crooks have the greatest leverage and control and are always looking to find a loophole; maybe a weak encryption system. Rationalization: this is another key component for frauds, which allows a fraudster to reconcile her behavior with normally accepted concept of trust and common decency. The fraudster feels no guilt and in fact feels justified (Turner, Mock & Srivastava). The fraud triangle is useful because it identifies why, what, where and who of the fraud. Once this is established then remedial measures can be taken. Fraud cannot be stopped; the pace of technological change and advancement gives it (fraud) an evolutionary nature and so the crooks will keep getting better and more sophisticated. There is however great opportunity more than ever to slow it down considerably to protect the masses and ordinary people. The identity world will continue to experience this cycle where a smart organization comes up with a secure system to protect identity and an even smarter crook comes up with a way around the security measure (‘Consumer protection Division’, 2005). The first step would be to take the basic measures, use passwords, use secure connections, and have anti spyware. By adopting the fraud triangle, measures can be put in place to anticipate, identify, and mitigate