Saturday, August 31, 2019

Crime Data Comparison

In the late 1920’s the idea was recognized by the International Association of Chiefs of Police or most commonly known as the (IACP), that there needed to be a more reliable and accurate way to keep track of all of the crime data and statistics. This information was needed to determine the crimes that were changing from year to year as well as the sources of what could be changing these statistics such as population changes, poverty changes, and so on and so forth. After a few years of deliberation over the record-keeping practices being used at the time, planning for a system called the Uniform Crime Report program (UCR) in which it came in to working effect in 1929. It was in 1930 a year later, in January that the United States Congress enacted a Code that gave the UCR the authority by the attorney general to gather information about crimes. The attorney general then delegated the responsibility to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to act as the bookkeepers for collecting all the crime data for the UCR. In 1930 the FBI became the first agency to start a resource to do just that. Since the beginning of the UCR program every year new data has been collected and published in order to crime statistics for each area across the United States. Information stored would include numbers of different crimes such as murders, arson, burglary, property crimes, rapes, larceny, etc. The UCR program started in January 1930 with data gathered from law enforcement agencies in 400 cities from 43 states submitting information and currently includes approximately 17,000 law enforcement agencies nationwide that voluntarily contribute their crime statistics. Murder or Homicide is an act that happens across the United States. There is not one state safe from it. According to the Uniform Crime Report program in 2011 California was the state with the highest amount of murders with a total of 1,790. The total amount of murders committed at the hands of a firearm is 1,220. Murders committed by knives or cutting instruments 261. One thing that may have an impact on the amount of murders as well as other crimes is the population in California. With an amazing total of 37. 3 million in 2011 with a 10% increase since 2000. With 43% of families in California considered to be low income, the poverty level is very high in California. As described by national statistics that show that most crime is committed in areas of poverty and low-income this could be a reason that the murder or homicide rate is so high in California. Each year with the increase of population the crime rates increase. Across the ocean in Hawaii with the lowest amount of murders/homicides with a low total of seven for the year of 2011. One at the hands of a firearm, two by stabbing or knifes, and three by hands, fists, feet or etc. nd the rest in other ways. With a lower population than California with a total of 1,360,301 with around 953,207 people (70%) living in the city and County of Honolulu for 2011. With a low-income or poverty population percentage of only 13. 7% of the population below the nationwide average income level. It shows that this could have some effect on the murder/homicide statistics being lower than that of California. Also another reason could be that the population of Hawaii is mostly contributed by tourism and most people in Hawaii are only here for travel. In 2011, about 7. million people from around the world visited Hawaii. Another reason that could factor in to the crime rate is 47,410 of the population in Hawaii is military personnel, or 3. 48%. In 2011, an estimated 14,612 persons were murdered in the United States. This was a 0. 7% decrease from the 2010 estimate, a 14. 7% decline from the 2007 figure, and a 10. 0% decrease from the 2002 estimate. There were 4. 7 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, a 1. 5% decrease from the 2010 rate. Compared with the 2007 rate, the murder rate declined 17. 4%, and compared with the 2002 rate, the murder rate decreased 16. %. Nearly 44% (43. 6) of murders were reported in the South, the most populous region, 21. 0% were reported in the West, 20. 6% were reported in the Midwest, and 14. 8% were reported in the Northeast (FBI Uniform Crime Report Statistics). There could be many reasons why the crime rate changes, it could be the area, the upbringing, income, population and also what resources that are available in the area to help youth and people with emotional problems. There are a number of factors that could help persuade a person from committing crime and murder. However one thing is certain as the population increases so does the crime. Although the Uniform Crime Report program definitely shows an improvement from how data and statistics previously were collected, there are still many criticisms about the data's accuracy. The UCR only reports crimes known to police. Due to a high number of crimes that are never reported and the victims that do not report their experiences to law enforcement agencies, the data reported is often inaccurate as for both the number of crimes committed and the number of offenders. Another reason that the UCR is flawed is due to the fact that only crimes considered serious crimes are reported. The data and all of the information that is reported to the UCR is only based on the hierarchy rule: For a crime incident in which multiple offenses were committed only the most serious offense is reported. Furthermore, the UCR reveals more about police behavior than it does about criminality. Some law enforcement agencies falsify the reports they submit to the FBI to lessen the case load for the police station and officers. In which the crimes are never solved. References: FBI Uniform Crime Report Statistics

Friday, August 30, 2019

Business Environment Essay

The successful accomplishment of this case study is the outcome of the contribution of number of people, especially those who have given the time and effort to share their thoughts and suggestions to improve the report. At the beginning, I would like to pay my humble gratitude to the Almighty God for giving me the ability to work hard under pressure. This report on â€Å"Case study on Business Environment† is prepared through continuous research for a period of about one month. This long span of work would not have been possible without the help of various generous hands. My sincere gratitude to my course instructor, for his supervision on this report. He has given a lot of assistance in coordinating the whole report. Without his perseverance and guidance this report would have been a pile of worthless paper. Page 2 of 17 Table of Content Topic Executive Summary Understanding the organisational purposes of businesses 1.1 Identify the purposes of different types of organization considering their legal structure and types (private company, public company, and voluntary organisation, co-operative, charitable) 1.2 Describe the extent to which an organisation meets the objectives of different stakeholders 1.3 Explain the responsibilities of an organisation and strategies employed to meet stakeholder interests; conflict of expectations; satisfying stakeholder objectives Understanding the nature of the national environment in which businesses operate 2.1 Explain how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively 2.2 Assess the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on business organisations and their activities 2.3 Evaluate the impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on the activities of a selected organization. Understanding the behaviour of organisations in their market environment 3.1 Explain how market structures determine the pricing and output decisions of businesses. 3.2 Illustrate the way in which market forces shape organisational responses using a range of examples. 3.3 Judge how the business and cultural environments shape the behaviour of a selected organization. Assessing the significance of the global factors that shape national business activities 4.1 Discuss the significance of international trade to UK business organizations 4.2 Analyse the impact of global factors on UK business organizations 4.3 Evaluate the impact of policies of the European Union on UK business organizations Recommendations References    Executive Summary First of all I have introduced the company named ‘Sainsbury’s and after that I will describe organisational purposes, nature of the national environment, the behaviour of organisations in their market environment and implication of the global factors that shape national business activities. Sainsbury’s is one of the UK’s leader retailers, currently its position is just after Tesco, who is occupying the market leading position. Anyway Sainsbury’s t offer high quality with great value products and services ranging from food, cloths, daily household needs etc. they employed over than 152,000 (2012) people in the UK, and have more than 1,016stores in UK .Their markets is growing rapidly, recently they have planned to expand more in overseas markets. In brief, I am going to identify the purpose of different types of organisation, their responsibilities, strategies based on the present market situation, trade policies, and behaviours as well as economic, government and the world trade organization impacts on the organization. Then the explanation of market structures, market forces that shape the organisation’s response and impact of business and cultural environment on the organisation. Finally I will discuss the impact of the global factors and how policies of the European Union affect UK business organisations. Page 4 of 17 Understand the organisational purposes of businesses 1.1 Identify the purposes of different types of organization considering their legal structure and types. A business can be organized as follows: Proprietorship: has a singly owner, known as proprietor, who manages the business; proprietorships tend to be small business or professional services, such as accountants, lawyer Partnership: joins two or more persons as co-owners, each owner is a partner and the partnership deal can be done, it is called a mutual, mutual Agency: Organization: this organization, owned by shareholders, these people who own shares in the organization, is a certificate representing ownership in a organization, the business is a organization, when the State approved the articles of incorporation, and the first stock share published article to the lines that have been approved by the administration of the State Corporation, unlike sole proprietorship and partnerships. Public joint stock organization, limited liability organization offers limited liability to its owners and management. If want to be, that the organization can make the organization sells shares to investors, it is useful in attracting capital. Only limited liability organization can be listed on the Stock Exchange, and the character of their stocks has a suffix. So, British Petroleum PLC and BP ticker. A private organization may issue shares and shareholders. But their shares are not on public exchanges and were not granted for the initial public offering. Voluntary organizations: It’s an organization with random or regular volunteer for exploitation and may or may not have paid employees. Voluntary organization is characterized by independence of the State; organize themselves through the unpaid Board membership; Membership that is not received or ordered; support for the charity; are not for profit Cooperative Organization: Page 5 of 17 The organization owned, managed and operated by a group of users in their favor. Each Member must contribute capital and share in the control of the organization on the basis of the principle of one Member one vote. Charity: Embedded or included tax exempt; developed and used for charitable purposes ;uses its own funds for these charitable activities under its direct control; does not to distribute any part of the turnover is generated for each curator, trustier, Member, or any other individuals and does not associated with political organizations. 1.2 Describe the extent to which an organisation meets the objectives of different stakeholders The upper diagram shows Different stakeholders are engaged in an organization that have different objectives and needs which are served by the organization. Here as follows, a) Investors. Investors are concern regarding the risk of investments, interest and overall return. They need information to determine if he/she should buy, keep or sell. The shareholders are interested about the stability and profitability of organization. Organizations provide information that makes them assess the dividends. b) Staff. Organization meets the employers’ expectations through salary, bonuses and ensures safe environment for the employers. c) Lenders. They are interested in the information for their Loans and trade credits. An organization paid them back as sale proceeds come from customers end. Page 6 of 17 d) Suppliers and other vendors, who are likewise interested in information to determine whether their supplies and trade credits safe or not. An organization paid off to them for their supplies. e) Clients keep their eye on organization’s commitment, or market position. Organization ensures their interest through growth of business. f) Governments institutions, Organization help the government in the allocating the resources under country’s business regulation practices also by paying tax which are part of fundamental national income of the country. g) Public, An organization help people to find employment thus help to develop local economy as well as the country. They also help to encourage local suppliers and information about the trend and overall productivity of the country. 1.3 Explain the responsibilities of an organisation and strategies employed to meet stakeholder interests; conflict of expectations; satisfying stakeholder objectives Responsibilities of an Organisation An Organization and various forms of responsibilities to the stakeholders and at the same time they take best effective strategies to meet stakeholder’s interest, conflict of expectation and towards satisfying their objectives. Different stakeholders have different priorities in case of organizational responsibilities which are as follows: Employees: Organization needs to ensure good working environment and proper payment. Shareholders: Organization responsibilities towards their shareholder are to make sure about their profit and dividend. Government and their Institution: Proper allocation of resources, employment solution, follow business regulation of the country, pay corporate tax on time etc are organization’s responsibility towards government and supporting institutions. Customer: Ensuring best quality of goods and services at lowest possible price is an important responsibility of organization. Besides above responsibilities, every organization has been introduced with some new concept of responsibilities which is known as Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR). Can be subdivided into four criteria (John M. Bryson, 2009) Understand the nature of the national environment in which businesses operate 2.1 Explain how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively The economic system is composed of various processes in the Organization and motivation of work production, distribution and circulating, including products and services. Consumer goods, machinery, tools and other technologies. There are three types of economic systems: Market Economy: this market to a minimum level of government intervention is kept or forgotten and economic resources among the private sector as well as the mechanism of price will determine how many products or services will be delivered in accordance with the requirements of the market. Centrally planned Economy System: The Government makes all the plans for economic resources and economic activities which can be seen on in Asia, Centre of Europe, Cuba, Iran and Iraq have these economic systems. In this process unemployment will not be a problem as the Government plan for all economic activities and resources. Mixed economy system: this is so far the best economic system for modern world. A mix of other systems, that is public and private both price mechanism work jointly in this process. And also distributes the resources available in the region. The country, like the United States of America, Canada, and France has this mix economic system, in this process, if one system does not work properly then other works in its process and make balance in the whole economic system. 2.2 Assess the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on business organisations and their activities Government use fiscal policy fiscal revenue and expenditure of the Government. When the Government loans from abroad, it creates lower demand of goods and services. As domestic production decreases this lending policy from abroad can affect the related organization. On the other hand organization can achieve better profits for the added capital when government cut of taxes In case of monetary policy process, thorough which government controls the supply of money within the country, most of the benefits come out when government can stabilize prices and keep Page 9 of 17   As government keeps the interest rate low, people can lend more money. Thus the extra money they can put into production or in the business cycle which in return increases the profit of the organization. On the other hand higher interest rate does the vice versa. In this way controlling monetary policy government can affect the organization of the whole country. 2.3 Influence of the policy of closure and other regulatory mechanisms on the activities of the Organization: The competition targets a market run on the boardwalk and promote better compete it the quality and price. Thus competition contributes to a broader selection of clients in the market and offers the actual and effective price competition between suppliers. With the negotiation of World Trade Organisation (WTO), world leading trading nations signed and ratified in their parliaments. Main goal is to help producers of goods and services, as well as exporters and importers conduct their smooth business. Almost all people want to have their better interests in international trade. As a result international trade and marketing can be broken sooner or later.WTO helps to prevent or mitigate the problems related to the pricing. Profit etc through their details investigation.WTO also covers intellectual property, goods and services, principles of liberalization and including exceptions. The strengthened dispute settlement mechanism of the WTO helps to strengthen to reduce the potential for unilateral and bilateral action outside the multilateral system, proponents of the WTO has long argued that the reduction of trade barriers will increase world trade, but there is hardly a rigorous Empirical research on the impact of WTO or trade or trade policy, although a recent study shows that very little, if any, effects, in another study of the IMF does not agree with this conclusion. Page 10 of 17 Understanding of environmental NGOs in the behaviour of the market 3.1 explain how market structures, determination of the price and output decisions of enterprises. UKs explain the current situation and determine what correct structure would be helpful There are five types of market structure in the UK, and they are following. Perfect competition and perfect competition market Perfect competition market is one where a very large number of buyers and sellers, all distended in the purchase and sale of product, without any unnatural and has a perfect knowledge of the market at the time. With the Koulsayaiannis words are â€Å"the structure of perfect competition market, total absence of rivalry between Individual price takers and where there is freedom of entry into and exit from the industry.† The monopoly market Monopoly is Salvatore as a monopoly is a form of organization of the common market, where there is one organization to sell the item for which there is no change. † There are a number of characteristics of monopoly which †¢ There is only one seller †¢ All control on delivery of product is in the hands of a monopoly †¢ Under the monopoly, the organization itself is an industry; it can be a solo entrepreneur, partnership, JSCs, and etc. †¢ There is no close substitute product monopoly. In the case of cross-border demand elasticity is, in any case, it is possible. †¢ There are restrictions on the entry of other companies in a product monopoly. Page 11 of 17 Duopoly Duopoly is a special case, the theory of oligopoly, where there are only two sellers and they are fully independent and conflict between them. Variations in price and will affect the performance of the other and the other bears the loss must meet the cost of the competitor. Oligopoly Oligopoly is a market where there are several companies that sell or standardized various goods. It is difficult to say, the number of companies in the competition between the pair. A few problems on the market shares of the organization, as a rule, on the other. Oligopoly industry produces a standardized product or different products. This concept is called clean and spotless oligopoly and the last incomplete or oligopoly discrimination, called. Monopolistic competition Monopolistic competition refers to market conditions, when there are many companies that sell a variety of products. â€Å"There is a competition, with enthusiasm, but not perfect, many companies produce very similar products. No organization may not have to reveal the impact on policy, the export of other sellers or price can be very affected by their actions. Define monopolistic competition competition among a large number of Sell of close, but not perfect substitutes for each other. 3.2 Illustrate the way in which market forces shape organisational responses using a range of examples. There are different forces which shape organizational responses to the market. Among them main five markets forces which can shape the responses are given below: Threat of a new entry: Any organization with innovative ideas, technologies and process can affect the existing organization. Threat of a new entry of Sainsbury’s is medium as the business process and environment relatively high barriers for any new entry. Threat of substitute products: Represents a product obtained from industry replacements, perhaps in another area, in this case is the high compensation of marketing competitiveness as Morrison and Asabi are facing big challenge from Tesco in that case. Page 12 of 17 Bargaining power of customers: There are a lot of supermarkets and brands, the customer has the right to choose a product or service that they want and need. In this case competitive price and better quality only can assure business success. Sainsbury’s are in better position with their price and quality though they have to face price war with Tesco and also they face strong challenge from John Lewis and M&S regarding the quality. Bargaining power for suppliers: As there are large numbers of suppliers. Collective bargaining in this situation is weak for the suppliers Rivalry: There is high competition due to large number of suppliers with different price and quality. Sainsbury has to compete both with the price and quality with the other competitor. Through their competency, Sainsbury’s have maintained their reputation and strong position in the market. 3.3 Judge how the business and cultural environments shape the behaviour of a selected organization. As a major retailer Sainsbury’s is well known throughout UK. They are now is one of the best British dealers among the competitors. They also spread their operation USA.they is also planning to spread their market in Asia. Though Sainsbury’s facing tough competition with other retailers, such as Tesco and Asda, but as customers are getting smarter and aware about the quality with price, they are still in a strong position in the market. As we know UK multicultural country with variety of nations, further market researched need to be done with the multicultural food habit, religion and cultures in order to hold the best position in the market. Page 13 of 17 Assessment of the meaning of global factors shaping national activities 4.1 Discuss the importance of international trade for UK business organizations International trade covers trade between United Kingdom and the rest of the world. Any country will have e limited resources of goods, services without international trade. Trade relation between countries and cheap labour and sourcing from developing countries plays an important role in shaping national activities. Moreover of invention and uses of new technologies, access into the cheap sources and labour market also playing a crucial role in shaping the national activities. 4.2 analyze impact of global factors on UK business organizations Globalization has a different impact on UK business: Technology: Organization in have gone through the Internet to promote their products and offer discounts with free delivery on their products to attract clients and makes it easy for them to their products. Sainsbury’s is not behind the progress. Social: Customer tastes change from time to time and from period to period or standard or quality of life. Globalization has put its impact to customers providing variety of taste, attitude and trend and fashions in an advanced way. Political: Political systems that are presently elevated and forced around the world in part to growth of consumption also leading to vast impoverishment and development. We can see the reflection in the UK market as well. Private sectors especially small business and young entrepreneurs are encouraged for business. Trade barriers UK businesses are facing less trade barriers than they used to face before. Page 14 of 17 Environment: Now a day’s people are getting concern day by day regarding green environment. Plastic bags are banned in so many places. People are encouraged to use reusable bags and other eco friendly products, protecting forests. In addition electronics communication are also used instead of printing papers 4.3 assessment of the impact of the European Union’s policy on UK business organizations The European Union has gained more power than before over the policy guidance for the UK business organizations.EU has taken policy to strengthen the industry and move in the direction of eco friendly environment and create jobs. It also helps to promote small companies to grow their business through associating policies, such as competition policy, which helps the fair treatment for all, and reduce costs, improve quality and choice of the customer. EU consumer policy should ensure that the client is protected in their health and safety, as well as help them improve their life. Establishment of Impact Assessment Unit and reduction of regulation cost by EU is also welcome step for UK. Page 15 of 17 Recommendations Sainsbury’s is one of the leading retailer in UK, They meet the stakeholders interest through their superior management quality and also ensuring customers by providing high quality of products. Moreover their dynamic strategies help them to grow rapidly within the limited resources and present government moderate policies. On the contrary, Sainbury’s need be more active to increase number of store in the overseas market and also market research activity especially for the multicultural community. Sainsbury’s have lots of strong competitors like Asda,M&S, Jhon Lewis etc who are also have a good positioning in the market. Actually, the competition lies in the quality and price of the product and services, purchasing behaviour of the customer and of course customer services. In that case they need to find alternative cheap sources from developing countries. Finally, not only the organization, the positive role of the Government, WTO and EU would plays an important role to ensure the overall growth of organizations in UK. Page 16 of 17 References: 1. 2.†¦/10-1257-guidelines-for-managing-projects 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. John M. Bryson, John M. Bryson;Hubert H. Humphrey (2009),’What to do when stakeholders matters? Stakeholder Identification and Analysis Techniques, Institute of Public Affairs’; 9. Thomas, J. C. (1993) ‘Public Involvement and Governmental Effectiveness: A Decision-Making Model for Public Managers. Administration and Society, 24:4 pp444-69. Page 17 of 17

Proposed Capstone Project Essay

To implement the system in an online environment. To design a database that will organize blotter related information and records. To provide a search facility for finding and filtering of records. To include a module that will facilitate updating of reported blotters. To generate statistical reports pertinent for decision making. Project Description Police officers are assigned at the police stations to encode the complaints, police reports, and crime incidents reported in their areas of responsibilities (AOS) directly into their computers connected online. All police precinct blotter records are visible in the web server anytime of the day. At the end of the day, each police station prints their day’s journal using the system. System Platform: Web Application utilizing HTML5, PHP, MySQL, and CSS. System Functionalities [Include your HIPO in this part. Make sure all functionalities are stated here. I suggest, you divide your features in terms of Client and Server Side. Client Side may still be divided in terms of your users. These features are still based on the SE Project which is PC-Based, you have not specified features when it will be implemented online.] Management of blotter cases. (inc: Creating blotter and archiving blotter case) Viewing of records. (by case number, name, date) Generating statistical reports in graphical models. Generate and queue reports. The system will generate reports such as the following: Number of blotter incidents per barangay Most common cases per barangay Monthly/Quarterly/Annually report of blotter cases Individual Blotter Report The individual reports are collated into single reports which can be accessed by City of Santa Rosa Police Headquarters Superintendent for his information and use. Statistical Report Graphical representation of most common cases annually for comparative purpose. Chart for areas with frequent cases reported. The purpose of this report is to monitor and isolate areas with the most number of incidents. And also use for decision making and for development of solutions. Read This:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

STAT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

STAT - Essay Example Thus, we will look at Census records for each decade to discover whether the percent increase or decrease within the city (primarily Manhattan, though also some of the other districts) has gone up or gone down. This will be followed up with other possible variables or explanations and reasoning behind the end-result. There has been much speculation already about the effects of the terror attacks. The overall conclusion seems to be, in a more conceptual sense, that it "united" the country. My group was more curious about what the direct affects were. In the moment, the attack was successful. It created mass panic and many people, not just Americans, felt a great sense of shock, fear, and then loss. After the loss of the Twin Towers, which second only to the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building was a symbolic representation of New York, the city lost one of its great monuments. If the Twin Towers stood for New York, would their loss or destruction symbolize the loss or destruction of the city? As this paper will focus on the affect that 9/11 had in regards to population, this will be a somewhat limited investigation, only focusing on aspects that may represent residential situations. A large handful of articles have reported and presented the fears, substantiated or not, that many residents may have felt regarding the attacks. The Federal Government added cancer to a list of health problems caused by 9/11, with suggestion that debris from the Twin Towers was carcinogenic. Issues such as this could have serious effects on the population in Manhattan, especially in the Ground Zero area. Thus, according to The New York Times, "New York City health department [initiated] studies [which have] found no clear link between cancer and the dust, debris and fumes released by the burning wreckage of the twin towers" (Hartocollis). The study

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

"Al Futtaim Group" current industry situation Essay

"Al Futtaim Group" current industry situation - Essay Example It grew by ten percent to reach three billion and six hundred billion. Majid Al Futtaim issued its first ten year fifty million dollar bond in May 2014. This extended the life average life of the portfolio of the company. The bond was the first issuance since 2010 and also the longest tenure achieved in Dubai by a corporate issuer. The company optimized its debt portfolio since it had strong liquidity and a solid financial performance in the banking market. They also received the most innovative treasury award from Global Capital (Browne, 1999. Pp52). In January 2015, Majid Al Futtaim which is the leading shopping mall, retail and leisure pioneer across North Africa and the Middle East reported a steady growth as it prepared for a further regional expansion. The company continues to develop a strong balance sheet with assets valued at more than forty five billion AED and net debt of around eight billion AED. The standard and poor’s and Fitch Rating reaffirms the company’s investment-grade ratings of BBB which is a stable outlook during the year. The company has a vision of future expansion across North Africa and the Middle East and to bring innovative new experiences to new populations strongly focusing on Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Shaw-Smith, 2015.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Aboriginal youth gangs Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Aboriginal youth gangs - Term Paper Example ently so violent in nature, the manner of recruitment and the preventive programs taken up by civil society and governments alike to weed away impressionable youth from this menace. Data shows that there are approximately 800-1000 aboriginal gangs operating in the Prairie Provinces in Canada. (Totten Mark, 2009) The regions of Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia also have a significant presence of aboriginal gangs. Most members of these gangs are below 17 with 22% of these being aborigines. (Totten Mark, 2008) Police statistics show that between 1992 and 2001, criminal activity in the Saskatchewan area showed a significant increase by 17%. (FSIN, 2003) The gangs currently operating in this region include Indian Posse and Redd Alert who in turn keep their chain of command active by supplying its members with regular supply of marijuana and cocaine. Redd Alertt traces its origins to an organized prison gang in Edmonton back in the 90’s. (Totten Mark, 2008).These gangs have now spread to other parts of Canada including Vancouver, Okanagan and Winnipeg. Studies have shown that there is definitely a hierarchical structure to these gangs. There are smaller street gangs which indulge in spontaneous activity and acts of vandalism. These members are also recruited by the more organized higher criminal organization. The aboriginal gangs have however a fluid structure with no real core ideals except that the new recruit would have to prove his capabilities satisfactorily to the leader. (Totten Mark, 2008).The new gang member is judged and placed in the hierarchical structure based on the amount of cash he can bring or graver the degree of violence he can commit. The one who started the gang in most cases would be leader and would be assisted by his key associates on whom he has considerable trust. The gang has both the Hard-Core members and the Active members. (Totten Mark, 2008).While the hard-core members indulge in serious violent acts between rival gangs, the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Aristotle & Hume Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Aristotle & Hume - Term Paper Example Passion is a feeling which has no boundaries, if aroused naturally and authentically in an individual. Hume understands the concepts and elements of life as he is a deep thinker and has contemplated on life and human psychology in various ways. Here the intention is to comprehend the statement of Hume and interpret it with one of the greatest Greek philosophers the world has seen, Aristotle. The view of Aristotle is distinctive and unique and can be contradictory or resembling to that of Hume. The attempt here is to argumentatively interpret the statement by Hume and convey how Aristotle would converse regarding this issue. Passion being a natural feeling cannot be influenced or affected by other qualities or personality traits of human being. People can analyze the feeling and reciprocate on it in varied ways, but it really depends on the philosophical perspective and reasoning ability of a philosopher. Here the perspective and argumentative stand of Hume and Aristotle would bring a bout more of depth to the thinking ability and philosophical values of both. Arguments Passion is natural and contradictory to reasoning Aristotle, as an intellectual thinker and philosopher, connects virtue to feelings. Passion is an aggressive and intense feeling of human being. Aristotle was of the opinion that with intellectual thinking intellectual virtues like wisdom, reasoning and intellectual skills are connected; on the other hand, moralistic virtues are related to one of the component of soul where feelings reside. If a person holds a pure soul, then he would be morally ideal and realistically passionate. Passion is attached to soul; it is a feeling arising from the inner most depth of a human soul and heart. A person who possesses high intelligence needs not necessarily have a passionate soul or heart. According to Morgan, â€Å"[f]or when the beings are of different kinds, the parts of the soul naturally suited are of different kinds, since the parts possess knowledge b y being somehow similar appropriate† (Morgan 307). It is normally observed that a person with intelligence and a high reasoning ability focuses more on analytical facts and gives importance to brain faculty rather than desire. Here we can understand that Hume’s ideology and Aristotle’s perspective match in a positive manner. Aristotle would totally agree with Hume and would proclaim that passion in no way can be combatted by reasoning. Reasoning is a quality of physical body whereas passion is both spiritual and physical and can surpass reason in all manners. Aristotle would postulate the fact that passion, as a strong feeling, could change a man’s thinking and reasoning ability to a great extent. Aristotle would further suggest that a man who is passionately evoked cannot be tethered by reasoning or intelligence as he is completely surrendered to the soul. A soul is the ultimate powerhouse of a human being, and when enslaved to soul, no intelligence can r ule the mental status of a person. Reason is an egoistic value and passion a natural feeling Aristotle, being a soul lover, would comment to Hume that soul is the universal energy, and nothing in the world which is related to ego can fight with it. Passion is the essence of a soul, and a man, being a soul enriched being, can be overwhelmingly overtaken by passion. Reasoning is a component of soul, but it is not a moralistic virtue even though it is a virtue. Aristotle would continue that all virtues are not idealistic, and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Probing into Internet Culture as New Media Essay

Probing into Internet Culture as New Media - Essay Example Our first question is whether newer forms of technology seek to belittle traditional fields and disciplines. In this respect, we talk of how Plato in his book Phaedrus stood staunchly against writing, as a new form of technology. From here we continue analyzing how computers and the internet, an integral aspect of the phenomenon of new technology and an advance over writing and printing, manipulate the human thought process. The study will be based on how technological advances have faced stiff reaction from the time of Plato. While Plato voiced his reaction against writing as a technological advance over the traditional tool of oration, modern writers criticize the effect of the internet, as an advance over writing, on human memory. Our essay will comprise of a thorough analysis of the boons and curses of the internet on human life today. We will make significant probings into past and present research including literary sources on 'internet culture' to see how it dominates human thinking. We will analyze the literary and online resources to understand the workings of the internet as an aspect of modern technology. Here, we try to see how advances towards technology had been regarded as a social contagion from ancient times. Plato, the classical Greek philosopher, argued in favor of the 'superiority of the spoken word' over writing as a new technology, which had a detrimental effect on human memory. Those who received partial information without instruction remained mostly ignorant. The philosopher debated in his book Phaedrus, through the words of Socrates, about the 'myth of the invention of writing', which often resulted in forgetfulness and the loss of memory. (Plato, Hackforth 156-159). Writing is described as a pastime instead of 'serious business' and importance is given to dialectics, which is ingrained in the souls of men. (Plato writes on the dangers of writing, 2006). Now the question is what Plato would have thought about the internet (Plato's complaint, 2000) Plato's reaction against writing probably anticipated the modern day response towards the computer and the internet. Plato believed that writing isolated man from society. Likewise, computers are perceived as mediums of separating man from social gatherings. Writing is an integral part of our lives. We do not see it as a product of modern technology. Modern tools such as pen, paper, ink and paints are used in case of writing. Writing undermined the power of the word centuries ago. Computers, a technological advance over writing are perceived in the same light now. (Ong, 77-94). Walter Ong specified that, writing or other artificial modes of technology had an enhancing effect on the human mind. He asserted that alienation from society, which writing provided, was required for enhancing the conscious. Writing and computers, he said was the most effective way of technologizing the word. After the word is technologized, the technological means cannot be criticized. Arguments, however, counteract the aforementioned stance about technology. We will mainly focus on how the technological boom, which has swept many a nation, the world over, has a debilitating effect on the brain and human memory. The internet is an encyclopedia, offering

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Final Paper Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Final Paper Assignment - Essay Example Bonnie is played by Faye Dunaway, whereas Clyde is played by Warren Beatty. Though both films depict a storyline of two lovers who team up to do crime, the plot, message, violence levels, purpose, and the finale differ. Natural Born Killers and Bonnie and Clyde prove that the world is a society of media-crazed and celebrity obsessed people who glamorize crime and violence. Arthur Penn, Bonnie and Clyde’s director, developed a plot that the people would love, a plot that would make the audience fall in love with Bonnie and Clyde; he made it look like society made Bonnie and Clyde the violent people that they were. On the other hand, Oliver Stone used Natural Born Killers to satirize the media’s obsession with mass murderers and serial killers, and the effect of this obsession on the public. There are various similarities and differences in how the two film noirs relay their message; however, in the end, it is evident that the media plays a central role in popularizing and helping the criminals by spreading polarizing ideas, following their every move, and helping them escape from prison. Both movies are based on a romantic couple that sets out to do commit crime; Arthur Penn and Oliver Stone use their films to introduce the viewers to a world of necessary evil suing their two characters, in a way that Western films had never seen. The controversial film noirs introduce us to the characters of Clyde and Mickey as being the saviors of Bonnie and Mallory’s lives respectively. Bonnie and Mallory come from troubled pasts, and they are tired of the way they lead their lives. Bonnie is tired of life as a waitress, and Mallory is tired of living in an abusive home, therefore, meeting the carefree characters of Clyde and Mickey makes them fancy the life of freedom without restraint. Stone employs the aesthetic of black and white to describe the thoughts of Mickey and Mallory when they

Friday, August 23, 2019

Occupational Health and Safety Hazard Material Management and Hazard Essay - 3

Occupational Health and Safety Hazard Material Management and Hazard Communications - Essay Example 74-79). OSHA regards a certain chemical as hazardous if can pose a health or physical hazard. A health hazard is one that can cause a chronic or acute health effect on someone. On the other hand, physical hazards may include compressed gasses, organic peroxides, combustible liquids, explosives, oxidizers, flammables, unstable chemicals and water reactive ones. Chemical importers and manufacturers have the obligation of evaluating chemicals in a bid to establish whether they pose health and physical hazards to people (Robinson & Bird, 2012, p. 74-79). The Hazard Communication Standard does not cover certain product categories. These are wood and wooden products, foods, cosmetics, drugs, and alcoholic beverages packaged and sold for personal consumption. Drugs that health care providers and pharmacies dispense for patient use are not included in the labeling requirement. This also applies to over-the-counter drugs not to forget those drugs that employees consume while at the workplace like aspirin or even first aid supplies. While wood and its products are exempt from the labeling requirements, wood dust is included since it is regarded as a hazardous chemical (Robinson & Bird, 2012, p.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Investigation of red bull Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Investigation of red bull - Research Paper Example In contrast, the consumption of coca-cola and hot chocolate per day was found to be much lower, with an average consumption of –cups of coca-cola and –cups of hot chocolate per day. From the experiments conducted, the mean arterial pressure (MAP) for all participants at baseline (i.e. time=0 min) was found to be 92.09 Â ± 0.45 mmHg after consuming water, while the average heart rate was found to be 74.72 Â ± 1.75. Similarly, the readings for MAP and heart rate at baseline after the consumption of glucose drink were comparable, i.e. 92.09 Â ± 1.25 mmHg and 73.71 Â ± 2.65. However, as the time progressed, it was observed that while the readings for MAP and heart rate after consumption of water did not vary much, there was an observed increase in the MAP and heart rate after consumption of the glucose drink, peaking at 90 minutes post-consumption i.e. HR=79.01 and MAP= 94.75 mmHg and then declining to 73.76 and 92.73 mmHg, respectively, at 120 minutes. These findings a re depicted in the graph (Figure 1) below. Figure 1: Variation of MAP and Pulse Pressure with time: A comparison of Glucose vs. Control A similar trend, i.e. an initial increase in the heart rate and MAP followed by a decline, was observed in the after the consumption of the energy drink, i.e. Red Bull, but with certain differences. Although, as observed in the case of glucose drink, the heart rate and MAP increased after the consumption of Red Bull too, but the observed increase was much greater than that observed in the case of the glucose drink (i.e. Heart Rate: 81.71 post Red Bull consumption vs. 79.01 post-glucose consumption and MAP 100.1 mmHg post Red Bull consumption vs. 94.75 mmHg post glucose consumption respectively). Moreover, another important difference that was seen was that in the case of Red Bull consumption, the peak MAP and heart rate were achieved earlier, i.e. at 60 minutes post-consumption after which they started declining. Figure 2 below is a graphical repres entation of these findings. Figure 2: Variation of MAP and Pulse Pressure with time: A comparison of Red Bull vs. Control Another aspect of this experiment was to compare the differences, if any, in the variation of MAP and pulse between Red Bull and Red Bull without sugar. When the students were asked to consume Red Bull without sugar, an interesting observation was noted. It was seen that the results for the consumption of Red Bull without sugar were comparable to those obtained after the consumption of Glucose drink. After the consumption of Red Bull without sugar, the MAP and heart rate were observed to rise, reaching a peak at 90 minutes, when the MAP rose to 97.74 mmHg from a baseline MAP of 92.98 Â ± 1.70 mmHg and the heart rate rose to 80.83 from a baseline heart rate of 72.71Â ± 2.99. After 90 min, both the heart rate and the MAP were observed to decline. This is illustrated in the figure 3 below. Figure 3: Variation of MAP and Pulse Pressure with time: A comparison of Re d Bull without sugar vs. Control It is also important to note that the magnitude of the effect of Red Bull with no sugar on the heart rate and MAP was higher as compared to glucose drink while it was lower than the magnitude of effect of conventional Red Bull, i.e. with the sugar component. This study also aimed at elucidating the impact of the different beverages, i.e. water (control), glucose drink, Red Bull and Red Bull without sugar on the reaction times of the subjects. When the reaction tim

Icici Bank and Bank of Rajasthan Merger Essay Example for Free

Icici Bank and Bank of Rajasthan Merger Essay Meaning : A general term used to refer to the consolidation of companies. A merger is a combination of two companies to form a new company, while an acquisition is the purchase of one company by another in which no new company is formed. Basic information of icici bank (Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Bank): ICICI Bank was established by the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India, an Indian financial institution, as a wholly owned subsidiary in 1994. The parent company was formed in 1955 as a joint-venture of the World Bank, Indias public-sector banks and public-sector insurance companies to provide project financing to Indian industry. [10][11] The bank was initially known as theIndustrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Bank, before it changed its name to the abbreviated ICICI Bank. The parent company was later merged with the bank. Current information: Based on 2013 information, it is the second largest bank in India by assets and third largest by market capitalisation. It offers a wide range of banking products and financial services to corporate and retail customer through a variety of delivery channels and through its specialised subsidiaries in the areas of investment banking. life and non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management. The Bank has a network of 3,350 branches and 10,486 ATMs in India, and has a presence in 19 countries. ICICI Bank is one of the big four banks of India, along with SBI,PNB,CANARA BANK BANK OF RAJASTHAN : It was set up at Udaipur in 1943 with an initial capital of Rs.10.00 lacs. An eminent Industrialist Late Seth Shri Govind Ram Seksaria was the founder chairman. It was classified as the Scheduled Bank in 1948. The Bank also established a rural (Gramin) bank Mewar Anchlik Gramin Bank in Udaipur District in Rajasthan on 26 January 1983. The banks central office is located at Jaipur, although its registered office is in Udaipur. Presently the bank has 463 branches, in 24 states, with 294 of the branches being in Rajasthan. †¢ 1. Merger of ICICI and BoR Submitted †¢ 2. About BoR and Merger private sector lender Bank of Rajasthan on 18 may 2010 agreed to merge with ICICI Bank, Indias second largest private sector lender Bank of Rajasthan has a market value of $296 million The acquisition of Bank of Rajasthan by ICICI bank is the first consolidation of countrys crowded banking sector since 2008.ICICI Bank and Bank of Rajasthan (BoR) boards on Sunday cleared their merger through an all-share deal, valued at about 30.41 billion rupees. †¢ 3. ICICI offered to BoR ICICI offered to pay 188.42 rupees per share, in an all-share deal, for Bank of Rajasthan, a premium of 89 percent to the small lenders closing price on Tuesday, valuing the business at $668 million .ICICI is offering the smaller banks controlling shareholders 25 shares in ICICI for 118 shares of Bank of Rajasthan. †¢ 4. The Big Deal The deal, which will give ICICI a sizeable presence in the northwestern desert state of Rajasthan, values the small bank at about 2.9 times its book value, compared with an Indian banking sector average of 1.84.Bank of Rajasthan has a network of 463 branches and a loan book of 77.81 billion rupees ($1.7 billion). †¢ 5. Why MergerIn March, the Reserve Bank of India appointed consulting firms to conduct a special audit of the books and accounts of Bank of Rajasthan .The government has called for consolidation in the banking sector in order to make lenders more competitive but there has been little activity.RBI had imposed a penalty of Rs 25 lakh on Bank of Rajasthan for various violations. †¢ 6. Totals of BoR F or the nine-month ended December’09, the bank had net loss of Rs 9 crore with total income of Rs 1,086 crore. For the year ended March’09, Bank of Rajasthan had net profit of Rs 117 crore with total income of Rs 1,507 crore .Operating income fell 11% to Rs 373.78 crore in Q3 December 2009 over Q3 December 2008. †¢ 7. Advantage for ICICI and BoR ICICI Bank will gain marginally from the merger as Bank of Rajasthan has a reasonable penetration in its home state. As of March’09, it had 463 branches across the country. The deal will also help ICICI tackle increasing competition by HDFC Bank. the deal values BoR at about 2.9 times its book value, compared with an Indian banking sector average of 1.84. †¢ 8. Comparison OF ICICI and BoRICICI bank added CASA deposits totaling over 210 billion rupees in the year ended March 2010, compared with 41.63 billion rupees of BoR .ICICI recorded a business per branch of 3 billion rupees compared with 47 million rupees of BoR for fiscal 2009.For the quarter ended Dec 09, BoR recorded 1.05 percent of advances as NPA’s, which is far better than 2.1 percent recorded by ICICI Bank. †¢ 9. Why is RBI allowing the merger of this bank? This is very intriguing factor; when RBI claims that there is corporate governance. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee claims that there is corporate governance prevailing in SEBI, RBI and Finance Ministry. †¢ 10. Hurdles To protest the Bank of Rajasthans management plan to merge with the ICICI Bank, more than 4200 employees of Bank of Rajasthan went on a two-day countrywide strike .SEBI maintains that Tayals hold 55% in the bank and that would make them owners of nearly 1.87 crore ICICI Bank shares from new dilution by ICICI Bank, amounting to around 1.75% stake in the bank .ICICI Bank found it economic as always to invest in this deal on a 100% stock swap basis. †¢ 11. Impact of the Deal The deal is very expensive The proposed amalgamation would substantially enhance branch network and presence in  northern and western India for ICICIBank of Rajasthan has a network of 463 branches and a loan book of 77.81 billion rupees ($1.7 billion).As on March 2009, BoR had 463 branches and 111 ATMs, total assets of Rs 17,224 crore, deposits of Rs 15,187 crore and advances of Rs 7,781 crore. †¢ 12. ICICI After merger PE ratio22.97 10/06/10EPS (Rs)36.10 Mar, 10Sales (Rs crore)5,826.98 Mar, 10Face Value (Rs)10 Net profit margin (%)9.74 Mar, 09Last dividend (%)120 26/04/10Return on average equity7.58 Mar, 09 1 millions = 10 lakhs 1 billions = 100 crores 1 trillions = 100,000 crores

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Role of Homais in Madame Bovary

The Role of Homais in Madame Bovary Elixir for Decayed Corruption In Madame Bovary, Flaubert expresses the complications that give rise as a result of the unsatisfactory life of a young woman belonging to the socio-economic class. He directly introduces criticism of societys antics through many different characters in the novel, each of which play a significant role in delivering his message. One such character is Homais, an apothecary in the town of Yonville. Although this character appears to at first be a simply an insignificant, nosy character, his corrupt and self-serving nature continues to be revealed through his interactions with the people he meets. The purpose of Homais character in the novel is very direct as he represents the hypocritical and cowardly nature of the masculine middle class. His character also enables the society to behave in a corrupt fashion, supporting Flauberts interpretation of civilization as equally corrupt. Flaubert establishes Homais character in the novel as a device in delivering his criticism and ridicule of th e bourgeoisie and society as a whole during this time period. Initially, Homais character appears to act solely as a vehicle for Flauberts criticisms of the new, progressive middle class as cowardly and self serving. A significant manifestation of the corrupt and cowardly nature of Homais appears during a critical error he made causing the amputation of Hippolytes leg. Homais pretends that he wants to take rash actions to cure Hippolytes club foot purely for the benefit of Hippolyte, claiming that, its not for me. Its for you purely out of goodwill (174). However it is revealed that Homais simply wanted to use Hippolytes injury as a stepping stone for his flourishing in the journalism activity. Homais deceitful and sly nature appears as he attempts to convince Hippolyte by providing false hope of being more cheerful and agile and even hints that women would be more pleased after the procedure (174). Homais is essentially the catalyst for the downfall of Hippolyte by using him for his own benefit and becoming taken over by greed. Flaubert critic izes the nature of the middle class to only take action when benefit comes for them. He expands on the loss of human goodwill and shows the decay and corruption that replaces compassion and benevolence. This incident regarding Hippolyte also depicts the cowardly nature of the middle class in the face of confrontation. After the rapid decline of Hippolytes health, a different doctor was summoned in an attempt to find a cure for Hippolyte. The doctor begins the criticize Charles actions stating that he was an idiot who reduced an unfortunate man to such a state (180). He continues on to derail Charles character exclaiming that they load you down with remedies without worrying about the consequences(180). In the midst of the doctors condemnation of Charles, Homais does not defend Charles even though he was the propeller of the action and essentially lays down his dignity for his greater interests. Homais does not take responsibility for his actions and instead simply observes others ta ke the burden of the blame. His cowardly act manifests Flauberts interpretation of the nature of the middle class. Flaubert denounces how the priorities of the socio-economic class appears to be based on materialistic ideals rather than core human values such as dignity, pride, and honesty. Another incident that displays the corrupt self-serving nature of the middle class depicts by Flaubert is Homais treatment towards the blind beggar. Homais considers himself a cultured, intelligent, important man when in reality he is ultimately at the same level of the peasants and lower class he looks down on. Homais proceeds to regard the beggar with contempt describing him as a scrofulous infection and poses as an intelligent man by giving the beggar advice for his blind condition (280). A notable moment that exhibits the cowardly nature of Homais is the action he takes in retaliation to the blind beggar exposing the harmful actions Homais inflicts upon others in an attempt to add to his own benefit. Homais takes advantage of his resources to launch a secret campaign against the beggar, and ultimately succeeds in jailing the beggar in an asylum. His actions shows his resort to oppression of another mans civil liberties in an attempt to protect his own reputation. Homais character acts as a representation of the corrupt and cowardly aspects of the bourgeoisie. However, a depiction of Flauberts criticisms of society as a whole can be assumed to be an addition to the purpose behind the creation of Homais character. Ironically, Homais character is arguably one of the most corrupt in the novel, yet he is the only one who achieves his goal of social mobility. In comparison to characters who appear morally good such as Charles and Berthe Bovary who end up with tragic endings, Homais is able to achieve most if not all of his ambitions and goals. An example ofÂÂ   Homais success is the fact presented that he had just received the Legion of Honor (322). Flaubert presents this fact in a blunt style as the last line of the novel leaving a foul taste in the readers mouths. Homais achievement is not shown to be a beautiful event but rather a small gain in comparison to the corrupt actions he had taken leading up to his success. As a result, Flaubert criticizes society in its capitulation towards societys accolade to the most unethical figures. He condemns the mechanics behind society and essentially exposes the moral decay that is hidden underneath the gilded surface. Through Homais triumph in acquiring the Legion of Honor, Flaubert reveals the twisted nature of the mechanics behind society. He shows the disappointing reality that those who act in sly and immoral ways often times receive more benefit than those who live an honest life. Homais character depicts the segment of society through Flauberts perspective which prevents his evaluation from being truly objective. Moreover, Flaubert attempts to depict the raw corrupt nature of Homais character through a satirical argument between Homais and the priest: Yet, said Homais, it cant be both ways. Either she died in a state of grace (as the Church puts it), in which case she doesnt need prayers; or she died unrepentant (I believe thats the ecclesiastical term), and in that case- Bournisien interrupted, replying in an irritable tone that one needed to pray, no matter what. But, the pharmacist objected, since God knows all our needs, whats the use of prayer? What do you mean? asked the priest. Prayer! Arent you a Christian? I beg your pardon, said Homais. I admire Christianity. In the first place, it freed the slaves, introduced into the world a morality- Never mind about that! All the texts- Texts, bah! Open up the history books. We know they were falsified by the Jesuits. Charles came in and walked toward the bed. He drew the curtains back slowly. (305) In this piece of dialogue Homais engages in a argument with the priest about religion. This represents the clash in culture during the time between the new science ideas and the conservative ideas of centering life around religion. Homais continues to argue even in the presence of the deceased Emma Bovary. His disregard to the situation at hand shows how he doesnt appear to have any respect towards Madame Bovary. Flaubert creates the satirical conversation between Homais and Bournisien in order to reveal the hypocritical nature of Homais in asserting that he is a religious man but proceeding to denounce the essence of religion. He presents himself as a holy man yet he objects to the statement by the priest that prayer is needed no matter what. Homais claims to admire Christianity but advocates modern ideas including Voltaire and science. Through the dialogue, Homais character is seen once more in negative light as a representation of the middle class. The insensitivity of Homais to t he environment of the deceased is reflected in his insistence in continuing to partake in the squabble with the priest. Homais interrupts and blurts out his own uneducated ideas without giving consideration to the priests words. Another characteristic revealed is in how he disregards the dead in order to win the argument and therefore feel a sense of self-superiority. The childish antics performed by Homais shows the twisted order in his priorities to favor self over the traditional values of respect. As a result of Homais corruption, the moral decay has reached such a deep point in his character that he supports Flauberts intent in depicting the middle class as well as society. Finally, Madame Bovary brings to light Flauberts dissection of society as corrupt and immoral through the character Homais. Throughout the novel Homais perpetrates many unethical actions that displays the mechanics of society through a single person. He reveals his cowardly and corrupt actions which supports the conclusion that his character was essentially devised to be used as a device for Flauberts heavy condemnation towards civilization. The novel also paves way into Flauberts analysis of a specific group, the bourgeoisie, to be equally Madame Bovary reveals the actions that give rise to the decay within the community. Through this manifestation, Flaubert delivers his denunciation of society and the middle class to be impure.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cutting Room Management System Economics Essay

Cutting Room Management System Economics Essay In todays highly competitive global market, manufacturers face constant pressure to reduce costs, offer greater product selection, and deliver products faster. Like many domestic manufacturers competing in todays international marketplace, the apparel industry has been forced to upgrade its responsiveness to customer needs. As a result, smaller orders are placed in a more dynamic fashion, requiring the efficient production of smaller lot sizes. Effective and economical production thus depends upon the interaction of many system components, one of the most critical being an efficient workflow control system. The cutting room maintains documents and books for the various cutting operations they perform. Generally the books and registers they maintain are require a lot of manual entries and the timely retrieval of previous records is a problem as these records are very vast. The focus of this project is on the means employed by the cutting room manager to instruct, monitor and control the processing of fabric cutting room and personnel. Documentation during and after cutting is designed to authorize the issuing of materials from store ,control the spreading, cutting and bundling activities, facilitate the analysis of losses and quantify losses against costed values. Cutting room is constantly challenged to cut costs on material usage. A small percentage of fabric saved during cutting can reflect a decent savings in the financial records of the company. The Marker making solutions are used constantly to minimize fabric usage while making markers. Another area where cost cutting can be done is by making an effective cut plan. An effective cut plan will make sure that garments are cut within the limits of the accepted quantity (as 5% extra delivery is allowed by the buyer against ordered goods), the required quantities are cut with minimum number of cuts (saving labor time). In most apparel industries, size mix i.e. how many and which sizes should be combined, in a marker is actually a very complex set of permutation combination. The number of variables possible combinations in most cutting problems exceeds human abilities. This projects aims to defining a system for effective management of cutting room and at the same time connecting it to fabric inventory so that track of the fabric in inventory can be made as most of the times the roll wise information of the fabric in inventory is not known and fabric issue is not made against a cutting instruction. Most of the time the fabric sent from fabric store is more than actual requirement of cutting instruction for a particular day so effective track of the consumption of fabric is not made in case there is no provision of returns of excess from cutting room. So designing of the system for effective flow is a need. OBJECTIVE To design a system which manages the activities that happen in a cutting room. The system should represent a model of cutting room and activities are recorded into the system. SUB OBJECTIVES The system is to be connected to the fabric inventory or database thereby maintaining record of each roll which is fed for cutting. To generate roll allocation plan for the cutting schedule to minimize remnants. To issue fabric against a cutting instruction. Proper Roll allocation comparing the actual material requirement for a production order against the roll in the inventory. Effective management of end bits form of end bits, minimizing it also tracking end bits. Storing and keep record of the remnants generated in the cutting room after the spreading and making them available for further use. Generating of effective reports from the cutting room. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Cut your losses: practical  tips to improve fabric yield  in the  cutting room. Fabric accounts for 25-40 per cent of the cost of making a garment, so controlling or negotiating fabric consumption has a significant impact on the bottom line. In this article Robert Broadhead addresses the process of estimating fabric yields, the complications involved in offshore contracting, and how to be as accurate as possible in predicting/negotiating fabric costs. Fabric accounts for 25-40 per cent of the cost of manufacturing a garment, so accuracy in this area is critical. Its been said a lot over the years, but is worth repeating here: no other single refinement in production can provide substantial cost savings as easily as fabric control. Controlling or negotiating fabric costs has become more complicated as overseas manufacturing and cut-make-trim (CMT)/package programs have grown. Before work went offshore, in-house fabric yield estimates and final production consumption reflected the efforts of the cutting department (either the manufacturers or a local contractors) and was readily known and monitored. However, it is surprising that many businesses do not track the variance between the actual cost of fabric at the end of production and the estimated cost of fabric on the bill of materials. This can significantly impact the bottom line. To have a truly effective material utilization, one need to look at all the factors that can contribute to fabric losses in cutting room. It would be impossible to eliminate all losses in the cutting room, but incremental improvements in material utilization could significantly improve the bottom line. Width Utilization careful measurement of the actual fabric received at a factory typically will show that more than 50% is at least  ½ inch to 1 inch wider than the minimum purchased width. This excess fabric width almost always goes into the trash yet it is usable and, if utilized properly, can save money. It requires the following actions: Measure the width of sort fabric when it is received. . Plan markers by fabric width. Issue cutting orders by fabric width. Marker Marker copies while copying the marker, regardless of the process used, length and/or width growth or shrinkage can occur. Marker growth can be more than 2% in extreme cases, but can be reduced to less than  ½ % with proper machine adjustment. Following points should be taken care of for accurate marker marker copies: In case of computer plotted original makers, keep the marker paper the plotting of the marker in the same environment where the cloth will be cut. Maintain a check marker, plot it at least once a week, measure it accurately to do the required adjustments. While using the ammonia or alcohol method, allow the marker copy to air dry, laid flat for 2-3 hrs, before using I to mark the table. Spread planning It is an analysis of the rolls of fabric available to be spread on existing sectional markers. The result is a plan of how many pairs/plies from each roll should be placed on each marker to minimize remnants. The requirements of this type of system to work properly are: Three or more marker plus remnant marker must be used on each cutting order. The markers must be different in lengths. Fabric flaw cutouts will require recalculation of the remaining fabric roll a resulting change in the spreading chart. The remnant marker is newly included in the chart calculations. It only is used for remnants remaining from the main sections. Table Marking More fabric is wasted in marking the table than in any other aspect of the spreading process. Tables constantly are being marked for spreading where unnecessary gaps are allowed between markers, start/finish line are purposely moved outward and splice marks are elongated. It is strongly urged that markers be prepared off-line by taping the individual marker sections together line-on-line with wide adhesive tape. End Bit Monitoring An end bit is a piece of cloth that is longer than the length required to lay up one complete size. End bits of course will come in all different lengths, and unless you splice there will be pieces of fabric which are shorter than the length of the lay being layed, these pieces should be treated with great respect. They should be measured, have a sticky label attached with the length on it, and then folded and put into piles of similar length to be used on smaller markers later. There is no point in keeping fabric for panel replacement unless there are important reasons to do so, so one must produce garments from all of the available fabric. The off cuts (pieces too small to make a garment) will be used to replace smaller parts of the garments that need replacement. The logic behind this is that if a large panel in a garment is replced then all of the profit on that garment is lost. Cut order planning The dot com way stitchworld It is interesting to note that size mix (how many what size in combined) in a marker is a mind boggling permutation computation but actually decided by the CAD operator or cutting master hypothetically and not through any scientific process. Generally the size mix marker combinations (how many different types of markers are needed for a given order quantity) are generated based on factors like size color ratio. There are some infrastructural constraints like lay height, lay length, working out the most optimum cut plan There are many optimal Cut Plan solutions, induced by interplay of many dimensions. The different, but often conflicting, dimensions are: Less Fabric Maximizing the extreme size-mixing. This is emphasized upon when the order quantity is high the fabric is also expensive. Less Labor Time Minimizing the no. of lays, leading to saving in spreading cost. Fewer Markers Minimizing distinct ratio, i.e. minimizing the no. of markers to be prepared. This is especially useful when one need to commit constant no. of sewing machines workmen for order completion. More Balanced Production Minimizing deviation in layer height across lays. This needs to be done when the order quantity is low the time cost involved in marker making process is more compared to spreading cutting. More Balanced Packing Simultaneous production of garments of all sizes. At times of urgency, interim lots can be sent to the purchaser without waiting till the whole order complete. Heuristics Algorithm The term  heuristic  is used for algorithms which find solutions among all possible ones,but they do not guarantee that the best will be found,therefore they may be considered as approximately and not accurate algorithms. These algorithms, usually find a solution close to the best one and they find it fast and easily.Sometimes these algorithms can be accurate,that is they actually find the best solution, but the algorithm is still called heuristic until this best solution is proven to be the best.The method used from a heuristic algorithm is one of the known methods,such as greediness,but in order to be easy and fast the algorithm ignores or even suppresses some of the problems demands.( http://students.ceid.upatras) Alternative formulations for layout problems in garment industry Before cutting, several layers of cloth are put on a cutting table and several templates, indicating how to cut all material for a specific size, are fixed on top of the stack. The problem consists of finding good combinations of templates and the associated height of the stack of cloth to satisfy demand while minimizing total excess production. considering high fashion clothing which is made by specialized designers in small quantities. It is sold only in exclusive shops. Typically, extremely expensive fabrics are used. The high cost together with the limited demand make it worthwhile to produce with minimal excess production, which is defined as the number of pieces which are produced above demand. Before production, demand data is gathered both from placed orders and forecasts. A demand set for a specific piece of clothing is composed of the demands for all the different sizes. The cloth is spread out in several layers on a cutting table. The number of layers of cloth is limited b y the length of the knives and the thickness of the cloth. For each size a stencil or template is made where all the different parts of the article are placed in the most economic way, such that they can be cut with minimal loss of exclusive fabric A good overview of solution approaches forgenerating good stencils can be found in Dowsland and Dowsland (1995). An application of the apparel trim placement problem is described by Grinde and Daniels (1999). After the spreading, the selected stencils are fixed on top The number of stencils which can be cut in the same operation is limited by the length of the cutting table. Since all the stencils have approximately the same length, the maximal number of stencils on the table is independent of the combination of the stencils used. A feasible combination of stencils is called a cutting pattern. It is quite possible that such a pattern contains several times the same stencil. After the cloth is spread on the table and the stencils are fixed on top, the cutting operation can start. For these high fashion and very expensive garments, spreading of the cloth, fixing of the stencils and cutting are time consuming and costly operations. Consequently we want to keep them at a minimum. The problem is now to find cutting patterns and associated stack heights which minimize total excess production for a given demand. The original layout problem is very similar to the fixed charge cutting stock problem (FCCSP). Haessler (1975) and Farley and Richardson (1984) proposed heuristics for solving FCCSP. However, the second part of the objectivefunction is different. In the FCCSP, the cost of trim loss is minimized, whereas we minimize the cost of overproduction. We need to stress that for our low-demand, high fashion clothing the cost of being near optimal, i.e. too much overproduction, can be very high, whereas for the high demand clothing industry this is not so much a problem. This cost issue, together with the fact that we are dealing with real life problems, justifies our search for better optimal solutions. Farley (1988) described a planning model for a cutting stock problem in the clothing industry. He argues that this problem differs from the traditional cutting stock problem because of the unique characteristics of the production process such as the laying, stacking, cutting and sewing operatio ns. Farley also makes an explicit distinction between high-turnover garment, for which overproduction and stock is allowable, and high fashion clothing, for which stock and overproduction should be kept at a minimum. He noticed that the planning model he described is effective for high turnover garment, but not for the made-to-order garments because too much oversupply is generated. The model proposed here is explicitly focused on the high fashion clothing with little demand. Farleys model maximizes the total contribution margin and takes into account demand and capacity constraints. It is used as a planning tool but it cannot be used for solving our scheduling problem. A problem closely related to this is the cut order planning (COP) for apparel manufacturing, described by Jacobs-Blecha et al. (1998). The problem consists of finding how to spread the fabric, determining how many layers to use and assigning various sizes to sections of the spread. The underlying assumptions, however , are not the same as those here and hence a direct comparison is not possible. COP allows for example different stack heights on one cutting table. The authors adopt a minimal cost approach. They consider the actual fabric cost, spreading cost, cutting cost and the marker making cost. The following constraints are taken into account: demand, a limit on the table length and an upper bound on the ply height. As it is very difficult to solve their model optimally, they resort to heuristics. Their test data consist of 20 orders, with 1-6 sizes per order and are based on real life problems. They conclude that one of their heuristics is as good as or better than the commercial packages. Elomri et al. (1994) also consider a cutting problem in the clothing industry. Their problem consists in choosing cutting patterns and associated heights from a small library of available patterns. The objective is to minimize total operating costs while satisfying demand. A linear approximation of the co st function is used. The most important costs in the objective are the costs for cutting and fabric. Documentation and control of fabric usage. The cutting room maintains documents and books for the various cutting operations they perform. Generally the books and registers they maintain are require a lot of manual entries and the timely retrieval of previous records is a problem as these records are very vast. The focus on the means employed by the cutting room manager to instruct, monitor and control the processing of fabric cutting room and personnel. Documentation during and after cutting is designed to authorize the issuing of materials from store ,control the spreading, cutting and bundling activities, facilitate the analysis of losses and quantify losses against costed values. The large contracts are divide into small but economic batch sizes that are suitable for the processing in cutting rooms.The details of these individual batches are entered on a cutting instruction , which authorizes the issue of fabric and provides essential information for the spreading and cutting. While the cutting instruction accompanies the material during its passage through the cutting room, the situation is monitored by entering data on the cutting instruction record. Management must control both the output of the cutting room, to achieve production targets, and also the various processes to ensure that materials are efficiently used. The fabric reconciliation record provides a comparison of the actual usage and costed usage and reports variances.This forms link between the cutting room activities and financial control projections as materials compromise approximately 40% of the manufacturing costs ,should be regarded as vitally important. Cutting Instruction is the main documentary output of cut order planning process.As a minimum requirement of cutting instruction it should have the following information 1.the fabric to be processed. 2.the marker to be used. 3.the number of plies authorized Fabric usage control The essence of fabric reconciliation is that for each lay a comparison is made between costed and actual usage of fabric,and the variance is reported.This document Plays an important role within management as it ties together what management planned to do with what they have achieved.Fabric reconciliation takes place after the fabric has been cut. Documentation management functions. Managers need to use documents but documents are no substitute for management.A manager who enters data on documents is not doing the work of a manager but is better described as a clerk. Documents are useful only when they allow managers make informed decisions which change the way the activities are undertaken. Cutting problems are NP-hard Thus, only small size problems can be solved optimally. These problems are solved using either integer linear programming or dynamic programming, or branch-and-bound, depending on the type of problem. But most of the cutting problems use heuristic algorithms. Although any given solution to such a problem can be verified quickly, there is no known efficient way to locate a solution in the first place; indeed, the most notable characteristic of NP-complete problems is that no fast solution to them is known. That is, the time required to solve the problem using any currently known  algorithm  increases very quickly as the size of the problem grows. As a result, the time required to solve even moderately large versions of many of these problems easily reaches into the billions or trillions of years, using any amount of computing power available today. As a consequence, determining whether or not it is possible to solve these problems quickly is one of the principal unsolved problems in computer science  today. Because (COP) is NP-complete, efficient algorithms for realistically sized problems will necessarily be heuristic in nature. This insight leads to the need for analyzing (COP) for characteristics that can be exploited for development of heuristic methods. Jacobs-Blecha et al. (1998) describes the heuristics developed for (COP), the reasoning behind these types of algorithm, and justification for the evaluation techniques. Heuristic development is based on the examination of typical industry cases that COP cost is dominated by total fabric length. It explains the experimental design that we used to establish this characteristic of the cost function. It should be noted that in some cases the cost factors that are consider in the model developed may have a significant role in the cost of cut order planning. For example, spreading costs may be very high due to negotiated labor rates; cutting costs may be driven up by manual or equipment parameters; or a large data base of historical markers may not exist, greatly increasing the cost of that process. However, they assumed that the statistical results, which confirm practitioners intuitions, are valid for the types of problem addressed by their work, and therefore the model can be modified to reflect this assumption. Note that under this assumption the only change in the model occurs in the objective function, where all terms go to zero except those involving the fabric length parameters. An alternative method for problem solution is to solve the linear relaxation and check the resulting solution for satisfaction of the integer constraints. However, this approach is not practicable: for realistically sized problems the number of variables prohibits explicit computation. Furthermore, most apparel manufacturers who would use these solution methods do not have sufficient computing capability on site to utilize sophisticated integer programming solvers. Therefore the development of heuristic algorithms to solve (COP) focuses on finding computationally efficient procedures for finding good (i.e., relatively low cost) solutions to (COP) for a robust set of problem instances. They selected two types of algorithm for the development of such heuristics, constructive and improvement. A constructive algorithm takes the input data and builds a feasible solution using intuition, clues from the spatial aspects of the problem, and guidelines found in the mathematical model. An improvement algorithm begins with an existing feasible solution and attempts to change the solution in some manner so that the cost of the solution is reduced while feasibility is maintained. The value of the cost function associated with the feasible solution produced by one of these heuristic methods can then be compared with some numerical bound, or other benchmark solutions. CUTPLANNER CutPlanner is a software package for use in the textile manufacturing industry for automatic cut order planning. CutPlanner takes a customers order for a clothing item and creates a cut plan for that item, including different sizes and different fabric types or colors, which minimizes production costs. A cut plan is an assignment of sizes and fabric types to markers. For each of these markers, the required number of plies is computed to fulfill the orders specifics. The objective of CutPlanner is to minimize total production costs. They consist of the costs for the fabric used, and several production costs incurred by making the markers, preparation of the cutting process, and the picking of pieces to be cut CutPlanner provides two different modes of operation to calculate material consumption: 1. Conventional mode: The user dictates the estimated yield values that specify the material consumption, which depends on the number of sizes in a marker. 2. Exact mode: CutPlanner engages an integrated automatic marker making engine to calculate the real material consumption. Here, the user does not have to supply any estimations: the software runs automatically. Genetic optimization of fabric utilization in apparel manufacturing. In apparel manufacturing, cut order planning (COP) plays a significant role in managing the cost of materials as fabric usually occupies more than 50% of the total manufacturing cost. Following the details of retail orders in terms of quantity, size and colour, COP seeks to minimize the total manufacturing costs by developing feasible cutting order plans with respect to material, machine and labour. A genetic optimized decision-making model using adaptive evolutionary strategies is proposed to assist the production management of the apparel industry in the decision-making process of COP in which a new encoding method with a shortened binary string is devised. Four sets of real production data were collected to validate the proposed decision support method. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can reduce both the material costs and the production of additional garments while satisfying the time constraints set by the downstream sewing department. Although the total operation time used is longer than that using industrial practice, the great benefits obtained by less fabric cost and extra quantity of garments planned and produced largely outweigh the longer operation time required. Cut order planning Cut order planning (COP) is the first stage in the production workflow of a typical apparel manufacturing company. It is a planning process to determine how many markers are needed, how many of each size of garment should be in each marker and the number of fabric plies that will be cut from each marker. Marker is the output of the process of marker planning, which is the operation following the COP.Planning process using commercial computing to arrange all patterns of the component parts of one or more garments on a piece of marker paper,. Following marker planning, the third operation is fabric spreading, which is a process by which fabric pieces are superimposed to become a fabric lay on a cutting table. The last operation is fabric cutting. Garment pieces are cut out of the fabric lay following the pattern lines of the component parts of one or more garments on the marker, and then transported to the sewing department for assembling to be a finished garment. COP, the most upstream activity, plays a significant role in affecting the fabric material cost and the manufacturing cost in the cutting department. Based on the requirements of customer orders in terms of style, quantity, size and colour, it seeks to minimize the total production cost by developing cutting orders with respect to material, machine and labour. In the cutting room, after the completion of COP and marker planning, spreading and cutting are then executed, and the time and costs required for these two operations will be affected by the quality of the cut order plans being developed. A good plan can improve the rate of fabric utilization. The COP usually begins with a retail order comprising the quantities, sizes and colours of garments to be manufactured. The following example demonstrates how a cut order plan is derived. For simplicity, only the quantities of garments and sizes are considered. The details of the customer order are as follows: Size Small Medium Large Quantity (in pieces) 300 600 400 The constraints on fabric lay dimensions are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maximum number of plies for each lay: 75 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maximum number of garments marked on each marker: 5. The maximum number of garments produced per lay is 5ÃÆ'-75=375 pieces and the number of garments required by the customers is 300+600+400=1300 pieces. Therefore, the theoretical minimum number of lays is equal to 1300/375=3.47. This gives a practical minimum of four lays to cut the order. If the order is to be cut at the lowest cost, the lays need to be as long and deep as possible. One of the possible solutions is: Small Small Small Small Small Lay 1: 60 plies Medium Medium Medium Large Large Lay 2: 75 plies Medium Medium Medium Large Large Lay 3: 75 plies Medium Medium Medium Large Large Lay 4: 50 plies An alternative of lay 1 is to have a four-garment marker and to spread 75 plies. This would reduce the cutting cost but was rejected because of the fabric cost since there would be 15 more plies and high fabric end loss, which occurs on both end of each fabric ply (more plies mean greater end loss). This solution has demonstrated that sizes Medium and Large are in the ratio of 3:2. The marker for lay 2 can also be used for lays 3 and 4, thus reducing the costs of marker making. This example shows that numerous other possible COP solutions can be generated. The COP problem becomes more difficult when the numbers of garments and sizes increase. The problem will be further complicated when the parameter of color is also considered in the plan. In addition, labors are needed to operate the spreading and cutting machines. As the fabric cut pieces will be transported to the sewing room for garment assembly, COP needs to consider the fulfillment of the demand quantity of cut piece from the downstream sewing room. Current industry approaches in generating the COP range from manual ad hoc procedures by cut order planners to commercial software. However, many apparel manufacturers are still using rather primitive methods; they rely mainly on the expertise and subjective assessment of the planners to produce the plans. Therefore, the optimal COP cannot always be guaranteed. Commercial COP software is available for use, but the COP heuristics are usually kept by the proprietors as confidential. Apart from generating a COP with the right quantity of garments with right size and colour, there is little room for minimizing material, machine and labor costs. Near-optimal COP solutions to reduce both materials and labour and machine costs using a genetic optimization model based on adaptive evolutionary strategies. The objective is to assist the production management of the apparel industry in the COP decision-making process and improve the quality of the decisions. It has been pointed out that the COP problem is NP-completeness in nature and it is feasible to use a heuristic approach to solve the problem accordingly by using constructive heuristics with intuition start and fine-tuning the solution with another improvement heuristic (Jacobs-Blecha et al., 1998). Roll Planning of fabric spreading In the process of fabric spreading, the variance of fabric yardage between fabric rolls may lead to a difference in fabric loss during spreading. As there are numerous combinations the arrangement of the fabric roll sequences for each cutting lay, it is difficult to construct a roll planning to minimise the fabric wastage during spreading in apparel manufacturing. Recent advances in computing technology, especially in the area of computational intelligence, can be used to handle this problem. Among the different computational intelligence techniques, genetic algorithms (GA) are particularly suitable. GAs are probabilisti

Monday, August 19, 2019

Chomsky and Knowledge of Language Essay example -- Philosophy of Langua

The linguistic theory of Chomsky has changed the long, traditional way of studying language. The nature of knowledge, which is closely tied to human knowledge in general, makes it a logical step for Chomsky to generalize his theory to the study of the relation between language and the world-in particular, the study of truth and reference. But his theory has been controversial and his proposal of "innate ideas" has been resisted by some empiricists who characterize him as rationalist. In our view, these empiricists make a mistake. In the present paper we attend to his position regarding linguistics as a science of mind/brain, which we believe is an important aspect of his theory that has not been paid enough attention or understood by his opponents. In turn, this will help to clarify some of the confusions around his theory. Finally we will discuss some of the debatable issues based on the outlines we draw. 1 Chomsky's linguistic theory is based on the following empirical facts: "child learns language with limited stimuli", or the problem of poverty of evidence. (1) The input during the period of a natural language acquisition is circumscribed and degenerate. The output simply cannot be accounted for by the learning mechanism only, such as induction and analogy on the input. The output and input differ both in quantity and quality. A subject knows linguistic facts without instruction or even direct evidence. These empirical facts, "knowledge without ground", (2) are expressed: "Knowledge of language is normally attained through brief exposure, and the character of the acquired knowledge may be largely predetermined." (3) This predetermined knowledge is some "notion of structure", in the mind of the speaker , which gu... ... but can hardly exist apart from languages, how could it be in the mind prior to language? What are those ideas? (Goodman, 1969, p.141) (24) He adds an interesting points: "Nevertheless, I think that what is significant in his paper is the fact that he believes that a genetic account is relevant to certain fundamental epistemological questions lying at the foundation of language." (Harman, 1969, p.170) (25) Quine, 1969, p.95. Also Lewis, Davison, Searle (Chomsky, 1986). (26) Quine, 1972. (27) The state SL is attained by setting parameters of So in one of the permissible ways, this is essential part of what is "learned," yielding the core, and adding a periphery of marked exceptions on the basis of specific experience, in accordance with the markedness principles of So. (28) Nagel, 1969, p.172. (29) Chomsky, 1986, p.269. (30) Danto, 1969, p.136.